Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Top Books My Mom Loved


So this week I decided to go with the top books that my Mom loved. She shared her love of reading with me at a young age and many of her favourite authors as well.

When I was little I remember my Mom reading and collecting ALL of Bertrice Small's books, yet I was never allowed to read them until I hit college due to the fact that they were historical romances with some steamy scenes. This was her all time favourite writer and she had every book. My sister and I began reading them in college and since we didn't live with Mom and Dad anymore, we began our own collection of Small's books. I also remember how excited she was that her favourite author was going to be a part of Romance Week on my blog, she even left a comment on that post. Here are a few of the ones I remember her rereading often...

The two books that I have not read yet, but I do have my mother's original copies on my shelf are... Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell and Scarlet by Alexandra Ripley. Gone With The Wind was my mother's number one book. She read it so many times, I lost count. And she loved the movie (I also have her DVD of the movie, but haven't watched it either - I want to read the book first). The novels are daunting as they are long at over a 1000 pages each.

The next author that my mother introduced me to was JK Rowling.! I know, right? Shouldn't it have been the other way around? I was in college and Mom was talking to her friends grandson who was reading a book and she wanted to know what he was reading. After telling her all about the book she decided to buy a copy to see what this wizard fuss was all about. She fell in love with Harry Potter and his world and shared her passion with my sister and I. She bought us the first few books and we fell in love too. As each new book released we would all buy a copy, read it and then talk about it. And as each movie came out Mom was excited like a little kid to go see them. I think this series helped bring us together more.

And finally, the last author that she shared with my sister and I was Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight series. I have no idea how she heard about it or what made her want to read it, but she was obsessed with the books. I actually have her set on my bookshelves. Again, Mom was excited for the movies so my sister and I would take her to midnight release parties.

Thanks Mom for giving us your love for reading and introducing us to a variety of books, even ones that maybe should have been us showing to you. Miss you every day!

What books do you remember your Mom loving? What books did she share with you?


  1. My mom recently got into reading the Twilight series after watching the movies, and she LOVES them! It's great because we get to talk about them... at least, what I remember about them from reading them years ago. Great post! :)

    1. Isn't that fun? I loved talking books with my Mom. I miss it. Once in a while I'll think, "Mom would have loved this book." I smile knowing that I still know her so well.

  2. OMG HARRY POTTER!!! My mom is absolutely the reason I got into Harry Potter. I have all of the original first edition copies that she bought as they came out! It took me waaaayy longer than it should have for me to actually read the whole series, but I'm, of course, so happy I did. The reason it took so long was because I was scared of it?? I was such a silly child.

    1. I love that your Mom got you I to Harry Potter too!

  3. I watched Gone with the Wind once, but haven't ever read the book. But I would like to watch the movie again. Just because. Great spin on this week's Top Ten Tuesday, Chrystal. :)

    1. Thanks Rissi! I might break down and watch the movie.


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