Monday, January 19, 2015

Reading Jar DIY

During the weekend Winter Bloggiesta, I planned to make my Reading Jar finally. And it turned out great! The idea originally came from a post over at The Book Vixen and I knew that I had to make a version of it for myself. I kept the concept the same, but changed up what I wrote on the slips of paper. 

Instead of listing the titles of the books on my shelf or in my TBR (to be read pile), I wrote out fun, quirky ideas of books to read: a book with a red cover, a book with a one-word title, a book by fave author Kathy Reichs, a book from the library, a book with title starting with M, etc. I did the whole alphabet, the rainbow of covers, fave authors, genres and so on. I'm not sure how many different slips are in the jar, but it's full. It's mini mason jar, so I'm sure I could have made an even bigger one with many more ideas, but this one suits me fine. I liked this idea as I'm a mood reader and don't like to be tied down to just one specific book - this was I get to pick something that fits the idea from the jar.

I know a few readers were mentioning making their own when they saw it on my Bloggiesta list, I'd love to see how yours turned out. Or if you like this idea, share yours with myself and Brianna at The Book Vixen (since it was her idea to begin with). 

Happy Reading!


  1. Oh that's awesome that you are making one too!

  2. What a great idea! It's sort of like the PopSugar challenge, but personalized just for you. And I love the paper you used.

    1. Thanks Lark. It was fun putting together and I guess it is similar to the PopSugar Challenge I've seen around.

  3. So cool! Would definitely try this, sounds fun! :D

    1. I think it will help me out when I'm really not sure what to read next. I have a ton of books on my shelves that have never been read yet.

  4. I love how you wrote themes on the paper instead of actual titles! Great idea. And I love the paper you used, so cute!

    1. I'm glad you like it. It was all inspired by your reading jar post.

  5. Love this idea! My friend is using a reading jar too and its working quite well for her! <3 Must try this!

    1. That's awesome that your friend has one too. You should make one!

  6. Such pretty paper! I love the idea of the jar. I'm debating doing one for my older ebooks since I always seem to forget about them.

    1. Thanks, I used scrapbooking paper. One for your ebooks sounds like a good idea, then you can just pick one randomly to get caught up. :)

  7. Thats a fabulous idea! I did make a TBR jar once but I used titles and like you said because I'm a mood reader I didn't want to be tied to that book that I picked out if i wasn't in the mood for it so I tried it a few times and then never used the jar again. All those sticky notes wasted. I think your method would /will be much better!

    1. I was going to do titles, but realized that I wouldn't stick to it at all. Sometimes I just need a little nudge to make a decision, but I still want flexibility in my choice. We'll see how often I use that jar, as I have a few review books I need to get through first. Then it's game on!


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