Monday, January 2, 2017

January TBR Pile

Here's a peak at my TBR for January. I have a few review books due this month and I also want to read at least one book for me and at least one book for the Blogger Shame Review Challenge.

Labyrinth Lost Everything You Want Me To Be Law & Disorder
Juliet's Answer The No-Cry Sleep solution A Thousand Nights

What are you reading in January?


  1. The Blogger Shame challenge sounds fun. I don't have that many outdated review books (I don't get that many as is). Good luck this month.

    1. The Blogger Shame Challenge will help me clean up my Netgalley pile and the few print copies I'm behind on. I'm banning myself from Netgalley requests for awhile. LOL

  2. That looks like a great TBR! I've heard really good things about Labyrinth Lost. I probably should've signed up for the Blogger Shame Challenge too lol.

    1. So far Labyrinth lost is really good. I'm almost done. And I wish I had known about the Blogger Shame Challenge before now. It might have helped me get my butt in gear. LOL

  3. Looks like a really good list. Labyrinth Lost is a book I've heard nothing but good things about so I hope you enjoy it (I somehow have not read it yet either). I hope you enjoy A Thousand Nights, I know it was a book which wasn't everyone's cup of tea so hopefully it's yours. I'm never brave enough to write up a TBR for the month. Mine would just be all the netgalley ARCs I've got to finish for the end of the month, I think.

    1. Just finished Labyrinth Lost. It was really good and I can't wait for more.

      I made the list so that I get my review books read on time. And helping me to do the Blogger Shame Challenge to catch up on past due ARCs like A Thousand Nights. I have to start staying away from Netgalley. At least for a while. LOL

  4. Great list! I just finished Everything You Want Me To Be and really enjoyed it. Labyrinth Lost is on my reading list for the Beat the Backlist Challenge so I'm hoping to get to that soon as well.

    1. I'm enjoying Everything You Want Me to Be, but haven't been able to read as much right now as my baby is sick so all my time is with her. I fished Labyrinth a lost - so good! Hope you get to read it soon.

  5. I hope you love A Thousand Nights! I haven't read it yet, but I've heard that the writing is absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy! :)

    1. Thanks. I've heard great things too. I really hope I get to it. I have a feeling I'll get 4 of 6 read, but hoping to get 5 done. The baby book might not make the cut this month though I really do want to read that. LOL

    2. Good luck! And I hope you can get to the baby book too, getting them to sleep so you can sleep is so important yet so hard. I did a combo of approaches that I was comfortable with, so fingers crossed you like this method and it works. :)

  6. Thanks. We co-sleep right now and she sleeps almost the whole night through. I just want to get her into her crib now. I'm sure we'll figure some method that works. :)

    1. That's such a huge step - from your room to their own room. I missed them when they weren't in there any more, even though I slept better lol. Sending lots of luck your way, you can do it! :)

    2. I'm going to miss her snuggling beside me. But happy to spread out a little and get a proper sleep soon. Thanks for the luck, I think I'm going to need it.

  7. A Thousand Nights is on my TBR list too - it looks absolutely stunning!

    Nihaad | Read & Seek

  8. I'm getting ready to tackle Labyrinth Lost soon for the Beat the Backlist challenge. Hope we both love it :)

    1. It was really good. Now to sit down and write the review during one of baby's naps. ;)

  9. I really enjoyed Every Thing You Wany Me To Be.

    1. That's the book I'm currently reading. Right now my mind is all over trying to guess things - there's always an obvious person, but most times it's not them so I'm working on theories for different characters. It's a great book so far.


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