Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Gilmore Girls Book Tag

In honour of the Gilmore Girls revival, I am so excited to do this book tag that I found over at Pretty Deadly Reviews and Stay Bookish. If you love Gilmore Girls and cannot wait for the Netflix revival, then why not try this book tag in the meantime. Funny enough, both blogs that have a Gilmore Girls tag on it have different prompts, so I might just have to do them ALL. 

Let's start with the one from Stay Bookish:

rory & lorelei - a book with an awesome mother/daughter relationship
White Dresses
by Mary Pflum Peterson - relationships can be complicated and this book shows how true that can be, but it also shows how love brings you together and helps you to remember all of the good (see my review here)

rory - a favourite character who is a bookworm
Hermione from Harry Potter - it's an obvious choice, but she is so my favourite bookworm ever

paris - a character who is snarky and completely honest, almost to a fault
Betsy from the Undead Series by MaryJanice Davidson - vampire queen who says exactly what she thinks and forgets to filter any of her thoughs (love her)

lane - a book with an awesome best friend
Drink, Slay, Love
by Sarah Beth Durst - Pearl's human best friends, Evan and Bethany remind of the Scoobie Gang from Buffy! (see my review here)

sookie - a character that makes you laugh
Ron Weasley from Harry Potter series!

lorelei & luke - a book about best friends who fall in love
Goodnight, Tweetheart
by Teresa Medeiros -  Abby and Mark become close friends via a twitter conversation and slowly fall in love with each other (see my review here)

jess - most swoon-worthy book boyfriend
Arik from Thief of Lies by Brenda Drake - a library jumping, magic wielding, leather clad hottie!

lorelei - a character who is super clever and quick witted
Mattie from The Art of Crash Landing by Melissa DeCarlo - She's sassy, snarky and witty (see my review here)

logan - a bad boy that you can't help but love
Trent Emerson 
from Ten Tiny Breaths by KA Tucker - bad boy with a heart of gold (see my review here)

And now the ones from Pretty Deadly Reviews:

I just got hit by a deer - character having the worst day ever
Georgia from Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave - secrets discovered a week before her wedding, a bride running from reality and the aftermath (see my review here)

Stars Hollow - wildly eccentric cast
We All Looked Up
by Tommy Wallach - think of a cast similar to The Breakfast Club dumped into an end of the world situation - the characters are so varied and tossed together to figure it all out (my review here)

Coffee - a book you're addicted to/a character with an addiction
I think I am addicted to Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - the audio book is amazing and is narrated by Wil Wheaton who makes the story come alive with all of its 80s references (my review here)

Someone devil egged by car?! - great act of revenge
Burn for Burn
by Jenny Han - a great revenge book

Mr. Medina - an illicit affair
Second Life
by SJ Watson - This is quite the thriller with an affair.

Kim's Antiques - a world you'd be afraid to enter
The world where The Line exists from the book Carrier by Anne Tibbets. Sex slaves in a dystopian world.

Harvard vs. Yale - character who needs to make a life-changing decision
AJ from The Storied Life of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin - a widower who owns a bookshop and an abandoned toddler, adopt her alone or let them take her to another family... what would you choose given the option

Luke's Diner - a comfort read
Harry Potter series... all of them. They are my favourite books of all time.

Am I crying or laughing? - a book that messed with my emotions
The Next Thing On My List by Jill Smolinski - emotional ups and downs while June finishes the bucket list of a car accident victim (see my review here)

Emily - the HBIC (head bitch in charge)
Anita Blake from the Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K Hamilton - very adult series, but she is a head chick in charge

Lorelei & Rory - favourite family dynamic
The Sparrow Sisters
by Ellen Herrick - not a traditional family dynamic, but a family of sisters who are there for each other through so many ups and downs - they are the truest form of having your back and what family stands for (see my review here).

I pushed him in the lake! - a book you'd throw in the lake
The Troop
by Nick Cutter - this was a DNF for me... I just really could not get into it at all.

1000 yellow daisies - favourite romance
I don`t have a favourite, but one that I adore is the romance between Cara and Jack in Save The Date by Mary Kay Andrews (see my review here).

Jess - an unpopular opinion
I tried to read After Alice by Gregory Maguire, but even though I adored his book Wicked, I could not get into this one. Many people enjoyed this book, but it just wasn`t for me.

First Snow - snowy or holiday read
Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor
by Lisa Kleypas - Christmas magic making dreams come true!

Hep Alien - book centered around music
Love is a Mix Tape
by Rob Sheffield - music is a large part of this story, but it's so full of emotion, memory and loss.

He'd better have a motorcycle! - your book crush
Levi from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - he`s the most adorable and completely caring guy that Cath could ever ask for - so much love for Levi!

It's repetitive and redundant - a book that could have been shorter
The Bone Tree
by Greg Iles - i did not finish this book either... it seemed daunting due to it`s size.

Kirk - the weirdest book you've ever read
Random Magic
by Sasha Soren - whimsical, eccentric and definitely weird, but enjoyable.

It's a lifestyle. Its a religion. - that one book that means more to you than any other
I have a few - Harry Potter makes the top of the list and I need to do a reread soon, anything by Rainbow Rowell (I still have a few titles to get to, but love her writing), The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle, any Kathy Reichs book (I've read almost all of them) and I am sure there are more.

AND WE'RE DONE. If you love book tags and Gilmore Girls, then consider yourself tagged and link back in the comments so I can check out your choices!


  1. I totally added Thief of Lies to my TBR just because of the book boyfriend. Anyone categorised as swoony as Jess is someone I need to meet! ;) Great post!

    1. Oh I hope you like it when you get the chance to read it! I cannot wait for book two to come out!


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