Thursday, October 4, 2012

Finding Balance

So I've come to the conclusion that I spend a great deal of time online. Most of which is book, blog or social media related. Not that I think it's a completely bad thing, but I think I need to find a better balance in my life. Hence this post about balance and change.

I've read 1/3 of these.
I take on too many tasks. I jump in quickly and don't think about the fallout/outcomes involved. I have overbooked myself many times this year, which then causes me undue stress - yet I still keep falling into the same holes. So for now I have scheduled myself all the way up until December 31st with the posts that I want to have on the blog and books that I want to read. I've included the tours and review books that I've agreed to as well.

I have a large backlog of review books. I was one who said YES to everything and then would get overwhelmed and hide from the piles. I'll finish this year out as I've state above and then I've made some goals and plans for the new year that I will reveal in a new years post when it's time.

My questions to you all: How do you stay organized? How do you find the balance between reading, blogging and your everyday life? Tips or tricks are welcome.

I think making TO DO LISTS and using a BETTER schedule will help me, but they take time to organize too. I guess I need more organization in my entire life so I can find this balance. 

I also think that I've been reading mainly YA books and I miss the variety that I used to read. So I'll be branching back out into my other genres and interests in the new year. I prefer the eclectic mix that I used to read before I began book blogging.

The one book that I am eagerly looking forward to reading is Happier At Home by Gretchen Rubin and I hope that when I read it in December (that is when I have scheduled myself to review it - just in time for new years) that I find some inspiration. And I plan to re-read The Happiness Project as well. 

Other Bloggers Thoughts on Balance:
-Katie's Book Blog


  1. Good luck with it. I'm feeling the same kind of way right now. I also just finished Happier at Home a few weeks ago - really good. I keep thinking a schedule will help but I never get around to making one. I've cut back on the tours that I'm doing because I'm also taking some courses online so I know I don't have as much time. Plus, I really want to just read what I want to read. I'm hoping to turn a new leaf (page?) in the new year as well. Here's to us being less stressed and more organized! :)

    1. Oh I am so glad to hear you liked Happier At Home. I really can't wait to go buy a copy and read it. Might have to do it soon.

      I will be cutting back on tours I think and reading more for fun - because I started this for fun and it's seeming too much like work now. ;) I'll find the balance - just need to try a few things out to get there.

      Good luck getting yourself there too.

  2. I hope you find a method of organizing that works for you...and share it with me :D I understand what you say about jumping in to quickly. I hope I've become a bit wiser in the last few months (hopefully--there's still a lot to catch up on). Just like you, I let YA take dominance over my blog, but that's changing this month.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you find your balance.

    1. When I figure it out I'll make a post and share what seems to work. I think I am part way there now. :) I just need to implement it better. And yes I just head first into everything... so back to taking my time with things.

      Good luck finding your balance!

  3. I try very hard to stick to a schedule, but then once in a while I let myself go. I think we need that at some point. The book isn't going to self-destruct if we finish it a couple of days later....

    By "let myself go" I mean I might pick up a book I just WANT to read -- but not on my list. Or, I might decide to play games on my iPad or watch TV for the evening instead of reading. You gotta have balance.

    1. Hi Annette! Very true - we do need time for other thing or else we will get burned out... perhaps that is what is happening to me right now. Just need a breather and to regroup. ;)

  4. I find that finding balance is hard. Between work, life, books and blogging I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done! My review piles keep getting larger and larger, my list of books to read for fun gets pushed farther and farther back.. it's frustrating! I try and stick to my schedule, and my reading lists, but sometimes life gets in the way. I have books from way back that I haven't gotten to and I feel bad about it!
    Sometimes I wish I had a magic wand to make it all better, but sadly I don't :(


    1. I like the idea of a magic wand. Perhaps it could clean up the review copies I have that are WAY overdue for review. ;)

  5. I have had to learn to say no. To prioritize what is important to me. That is why sometimes I don't post much on my blog (my blog is just getting going so this maybe easier for me too!) I would love to find someone to post with but again, I'm just getting going so not so easy!

    I am a working mom of two kids and so my husband isn't very happy sometimes when I just sit on the couch and veg out with a book when there are clothes to fold or the bathroom to clean. :) But, after a long day, sometimes that is all I want to do! Schedules are hard for me to stick to, but I try for my kids, for me they are even harder and setting to do list are next to impossible, so for me, ehh... no help there! I am deadline driven though... tell me something has to be done by X day, and it will be done by that day, but probably not until X day!

    1. I love that you are deadline driven. I just take on too much sometimes so I need to have this blog schedule thing figured out so I don't say YES to more than I can handle.

      Also, I learned a saying the other day "My heart says yes, but my calendar says no." Quite appropriate for someone needing help with scheduling. ;)

      And definitely being able to say no to something is a good thing because then you only ever take on things you are truly passionate about. I learned the hard way when I started - I said yes to almost everything that was offered to me - I ended up reading books I disliked, had a lot of DNFs, and was unhappy for a while. But I say no more often now (still need to say it even more - but working on it).

      Glad you stopped by today and thanks for your thoughts.

  6. Girl I'm the same way. I think all bloggers take on too much and then at the last minute I lose out on reading books that I wanted to read. Good for you getting back to books other than YA. I'm like that. I love children's book and I can't deny it. You know I've had The Happiness Project for over a year but haven't read it? I was put off when I found out the author was this rich girl. I don't know... I should give it a chance. After all I DID buy it which is rare. Are your books color coded? lol. Sorry but that's adorable.
    She’s Got Books on Her Mind

  7. Hi Adriana. You should totally read The Happiness Project because it's all about doing things that make you happy regardless of what station you have in life. It was an amazing read and I have tons of things tabbed to read again. I think in December I am going to re-read it. ;)

    And yes my bookcase is colour coded! I love it - it makes my house more cheerful and happy.

  8. I can so relate...I am totally burnt out right now but can't take a break because I am so over extended. I do have to do lists and a calender for planning but I find that doesn't help with time management issues b/c I am so overbooked and I'd love a little time to actually live life away from the PC and with my new hubby! I plan to also make some big changes next being participating in many less tours and committing to many less review books so I have less obligations and can read/post when I want. I also may go from posting 7 days a week to 4-5 days...I'm still debating that. But this definitely should not be a chore and wonderful as this community is. it should not interfere with creating real memories with our friends and families offline.

    1. Melissa - Congrats on your wedding too! ;)

      I agree with not taking on too much next year. I want to read what I want to read. I have a hard time saying no, so that is why I am crazy behind on review books. In the new year I am tackling this large TBR pile and doing what I want to do, which includes not having a set schedule of posts. Posts can be as often or sporadic as I like. I think this will be better for my social/personal life in the long run.

      I hope the coming year allows you to find balance between your new life with your new hubby and your passion for books. ;)


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