Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Any day now...

I love this photo! Esme guarding my baby bump - the cats have been awfully snuggly lately. I have a feeling they will be good guardians/babysitters for Baby S.

I'm officially overdue... currently 40 weeks + 4 days pregnant. Due date has come and gone, yet for some reason this extra time home before baby arrives has seen me trying to write some blog posts to get myself back into blogging. I can't say for sure that I'll be back as often as before my hiatus, but I plan to try to write at least one post a week - a review that I'm overdue with writing, a book tag, meme or discussion post. And I'm sure I'll toss in a few baby related posts here and there (perhaps bookish baby posts as Baby S has a ton of books in her room already). 

Wish me luck... I'm anxious to meet my little one soon.

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