Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My Favourite Harry Potter Covers


This weeks topic was COVERS. Anything to do with covers, so I decided that I'd make mine about the beautiful Harry Potter covers that I love. I know that there are many editions out there for the main series, even the new gorgeous house coloured ones, but I am a sucker for the original set that I collected. You can see many of my bookish photos of my HP books on my Instagram account.

I also really love some of the newer editions of the bonus books, so here's a peak at the versions I just love. I don't have the need for these extras to match at all. These are just the covers that I'm really drawn to. Though I do love the entire cover series that matches the Quidditch book below.

And last but not least - the illustrated editions. I am hoping to own them all. Guess I should start collecting soon.

What covers are your favourites?


  1. I love Harry Potter! This post is awesome, so many lovely covers :) Thanks for sharing!

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

    1. I'm glad you liked it! I'm on a Harry Potter kick right now. Listening to them all on audio CD and then watching the corresponding movie right after. ☇

  2. Great post!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/02/top-ten-tuesday-105/

  3. I love the theme you went with! There's so many fun HP covers out there. I love the new Hogwarts library books covers. I was just looking at those at Target. I love the illustrated editions! I can't wait for book 3!

    1. Thanks! I think I might buy a set of the Hogwarts library books. I like the style and cannot find my Quidditch or Fantastic Beasts books anywhere (I had the original covers). I do have Beedle already, but would likely buy the matching set. 😉

  4. Great spin on this week's topic! There are so many pretty editions of one book (I've seen some gorgeous editions of The Hunger Games for example) between foreign or special editions that this is the perfect way to spin a cover freebie. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Chrystal.

    1. Now you have me searching out some foreign editions and I'm off to look at the pretty Hunger Games covers. 😀

  5. I completely agree about the original Harry Potter covers! They're my favourite as well :)

    1. Glad I'm not alone. I know there are some very gorgeous covers out there, but I'll always be partial to this set.

  6. I have the 2 HP illustrated ed and the US 7 book hardcover ed... but I do love the Fantastic Beasts screenplay cover and I actually bought it just for that reason.. haha :D

    1. I really need to buy the illustrated editions. They are so beautiful. And I love the cover to Fantastic Beasts but I still need to read it. 😐

  7. I would agree with you these are the best Harry Potter covers, the illustrated versions are just beautiful. (Open Id doesn't work for my blog as its too new, you can find it here: https://engrossedblog.wordpress.com/

  8. Besides the covers of the illustrated editions, I also love the Scholastic covers, they are so pretty!

  9. Great post! I like the original covers too, especially The Prisoner of Azkaban :)

    1. Hmmm... I'm not sure which one is my favourite. I love the entire set.

  10. OH HP- I have the original hardcovers and I am so in love with those. But I have to say, there are some pretty amazing new covers out there. I really love the Beedle the Bard cover you posted- I prefer it over the newest one. I really wish I could own all of the HP covers, but do I need them? No.

    1. I can't justify owning more than one set (besiides maybe the illustrated versions). The Beedle the Bard cover is the one I have - my Mom bought it for me so it's very special to me and possibly why I'm partial to it.

  11. I like the very specific list you created for this! I like the TTTs that allow us to put our own spin on things. While I am not fond of HP myself, I do appreciate the covers, some of them are really amazing. Happy Friday!

    1. Aww thanks for checking out my post. I love these make your own list prompts too!

  12. Harry Potter gets the best covers to be honest. I would own them all but you know, I'd need a seperate bookshelves just for that.

  13. I grew up with the original German covers of HP, so those are my favorites, but I also love the Signature Eiditon.

    1. 😀 Funny how the ones you start with sometimes end up being your favourite. And those signature editions are pretty!

  14. I think I would collect all the Harry Potter covers if I could! They all look so good, but I definitely do have my favorites! Great list, Chrystal. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Wouldn't that be amazing to own them all?!? Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Cute covers! I honestly didn't even realize there were so many different covers for this series so thanks for pointing that out. I may have to start collecting them :)

    1. There are an amazing amount of covers for the Harry Potter series and all of the extras. It's overwhelming.

  16. Harry Potter sure does have a lot of gorgeous covers! It's difficult to resist collecting them all :)

    1. I agree, the only reason I haven't collected other versions is I don't have space.

  17. I have the original HP set as well, but I'm very VERY tempted to buy the illustrated editions!! I flipped through one at Costco and loved it!!

    1. Hi Darlene! Those books are gorgeous and I first saw them at Costco too. I was tempted to buy them, but have been holding off. Maybe I'll ask for them for gifts.

  18. This is a great topic choice! There are so many different HP editions and a lot more just keep getting released, they are all so nice!

    1. Thanks Kayla! There are so many it's hard to keep up.

  19. The illustrated editions have the best covers. I cannot wait for the Prisoner of Azkaban. Great topic!


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