Tuesday, December 25, 2012

This holiday season...

I am wishing each and every one of my followers, fellow book bloggers and friends a very Merry Christmas. I wish you all a holiday season filled with love and laughter with your family and friends. 

And now an explanation for my infrequent posts...

This season will be hard on my family and I, but we are working together to try and make this Christmas as special as we can. I hadn't really written about my Mother's struggle, but over the last two years she had been fighting for her life. She was diagnosed with NAFLD (fatty liver disease) and had just recently been placed on the transplant list this past August. Sadly in mid-November she had to be hospitalized and they bumped her up the waiting list. The last month was a waiting game - one I was not being patient about.

We lost my Mom on December 13th. She just got too sick to keep holding on. We had to gather together, say our goodbyes and let her go. It was one of the saddest days of my life. My family is staying pretty strong, but I know today will be hard for us all - it will be our first Christmas without her and it feels like it's too soon.

(January 21, 1957 - December 13, 2012)

There is a story I'd like to share with you all about my Mom - actually two that I'd like to share.

First - while looking for photos of my Mom, we found her old reports cards. I found out that she had a hard time learning to read (just like I did when I was in grade 2/3). After seeing the changes in her marks for reading, I realized that my Mom was the one who pushed me gently to learn to read so I wouldn't be held back a grade (just like she almost was). I now understand why she guided me towards reading, took me to the library weekly and helped me obtain my potential. She knew it was in me and I think I reminded her a lot of herself at that age. Because of her, I adore reading. Words will never be enough to thank her for giving me the gift of reading.

Second - the day after my mother passed away, we were making arrangements for her service and my brother decided to share this moment with us. He said he was sleeping in the car on the way back from the hospital and he opened his eyes and saw a shooting star. It was beautiful to him and he thought that it was such a random moment, because five minutes earlier or later and he would have been too close to the big cities to even see a shooting star clearly. When he told us about his shooting star, we all began to cry. We had all seen shooting stars that night during our travels, but hadn't really told each other about them. My sister and I saw one together, while my Dad saw the same one from the back seat (we thought he was sleeping), my brother saw one, and my uncle saw one all at the same moment that evening. We took that as a sign from my Mom (my sister had asked my Mom to send us a sign once in a while). My brother had looked up the shooting stars that night and found out that it was the Geminids meteor shower that happens every year on the same date. So now we can all look to the sky on December 13th to see the shooting stars and remember Mom. 

Mom made it to each of our weddings and even saw her first grandson arrive (my sweet nephew) and for that I will be forever greatful. It meant the world to her to see us each say our vows and to be there for the birth of my sister's little guy.
Thank you, Mom, for everything. I miss you so much. I'll love you forever!


  1. A great tribute to your mother. I hope you find much comfort and happiness during the holidays.

  2. Oh, sweetie. This was a wonderful post. I'm sending lots of virtual hugs and good thoughts to you.

    1. Thanks Kaley. I'm still somewhat being the strong one in the family, so I'm not sure things really sunk in until the other day. So I needed to write this post to remember Mom. :) I'm glad I did.

  3. Best wishes to you and your family. Thank you for sharing and I pray that you and your family find peace and joy this Christmas!

    1. Thank you Erin. I hope your holidays were wonderful. I know mine were hard, but they were still good. I think it actually brought us closer - my siblings, my Dad and I. :)

  4. I'm so sorry about your mom. :( *hugs* I love the shooting stars though. That is so sweet! I'm glad that brightened your night a little. :)

    Happy holidays!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Ashley and that you for the nice comments. the shooting star was just the perfect thing to have happened that night. I keep looking to the sky anytime I am outside at night. :)

  5. *hugs* What a wonderful post about your Mom - I love the photos! The service was beautiful as well... Lots of love from all of us here.. Call me if you need anything.

    1. Thanks Ais! It was nice to see you there. Meant a lot to me that you came to the service. You've been great. I know that when I'm up this weekend I'll come see you, but prepare for tears... I've been talking a lot this week about Mom and getting teary (finally I guess). I've been strong for everyone else, but I finally think things are sinking in for me.

    2. Noted - I'll bring make sure I have lots of kleenex on hand! I can't wait to see you! *hugs* Miss you tons!

    3. I have no idea what day I'll be able to pop by to see you, but I promise to see you before I head back home. I think I am heading home on Thursday now, but that could change depending on how everything goes up here. HAPPY NEW YEAR! and see you soon.

  6. I'm so sad for you and your family, Chrystal, but also glad your Mom isn't suffering anymore.

    That's so special about the shooting stars -- it's really lovely that you'll have that as a reminder that she's looking over all of you. <3

    1. Thanks Ashley. I am so glad that she isn't suffering anymore either.
      And I am absolutely in awe of the shooting stars too. :)

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss, Chrystal. It's always hard to lose a loved one, but it's especially hard around the holidays. This is a beautiful tribute to your mother - the shooting stars thing gave me chills and made me cry. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts. <3

    1. Thanks so much. I'm mostly trying to help my Dad through all of this. So much to do, so much emotion, and it's hard. This week might be hard on him - all the appointments with banks and such. *sigh* But we will make it through this - maybe even a little closer than we were before. :)

    2. That's maybe the one good thing about death (and by good, I don't mean GOOD, but you know what I mean)...it often has the power to bring people closer together. When my dad died, it brought my mum and me so much closer and we eventually became best friends. You're obviously very strong, and have a good support system, and that makes a big difference. Wishing you a wonderful 2013. :-)

    3. I think this will bring us all closer together. We've always been pretty close, but I already feel us being pulled together more - we say I love you at the end of each conversation and even when we leave each others' houses now. I have no idea how I've been the strong one, because normally I am the most emotional of us all - but I've been holding up pretty good. Had a good cry with Dad the other night and we both felt better.

      Thank you for all of your comments - it's nice to read all the supportive things you have had to say. :)


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