Thursday, December 27, 2012

Deserted Island with Amanda from Letters Inside Out

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams  of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five  other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a  deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some  are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see  what your favourite authors and bloggers would pick. Click here if you would like to participate.

Letters Inside Out buttonAmanda from Letters Inside Out is stopping by today with her Deserted Island picks! I'm pretty excited about this post today, because there are some great books on her list that I need to add to my wishlist... AND Amanda is also hosting a GIVEAWAY** for one lucky winner to win their choice of the five books listed below! It is International (as long as Book Depository can ship to your country). Thank you for being a part of my feature and for hosting such an awesome giveaway!!!

**Images below may not be the exact book you win. This is something you will need to discuss with Amanda once winner announced. Cover may differ depending on version ordered.

5 Books -
1. The Scorpio Races - I simply love this book! I could read it over and over again without getting bored.
2. Jane Eyre - This is one of my favorite books of all time. Plus it's long enough that it'd take me awhile to read.
3. Graffiti Moon - When I finished reading this one, I immediately wanted to re-read it. It would also be something light and fun I could mix in.
4. The Host by Stephenie Meyer - It's super long and something I love to re-read. I think I could probably read it over and over and still be very happy about it.
5. Steampunk! An Anthology - I love to keep short stories around for any reading slumps. This one would be perfect when I needed a bit of a change of pace - plus it has some of my favorite authors!

5 Items-
1. iPod Touch - I can't live without music! My iPod is filled with plenty of music to keep me entertained. Plus, while using any internet functions will be out of the question, I can use it to write journal entries, stories, and more with different apps.
2. Solar charger - To keep the iPod running!
3. Umbrella - To keep from getting a sunburn - I don't burn easily, but that hot sun constantly would be sure to be unpleasant.
4. Blanket - Curl up under it during the cold nights and sit on it during the sunny days.
5. Knife - Who knows what I'll face!

Letters Inside Out

About Amanda:
Amanda is a 20-something from a small Southern town in the US. Having lived all over the US, she’s happy to be back home, in spite of the lack of a book store. She lives with her family and an army of animal companions. Armed with a library card, online shopping, and a trusty e-reader, she fulfilled her intense love of books and words passed on from her mother.
Her love of reading began with the first book she ever read on her own, before she even started attending school – The Three Little Kittens. Over the years she graduated to Stephen King, classics, and more recently young adult literature.
Amanda began writing at a very young age. Her first most-prized work? A short story involving a giraffe in the third grade. Then she began her first novel, from there numerous poems Since then she has moved on to a strange obession with people jumping and falling from cliffs or being poisoned.
Prior to book blogging, Amanda toyed with various forms of blogging. She spent a lot of time reviewing for both local print, beta-reading, and reviewing for others’ blogs. When all of that ended she found herself kind of at a loss as to what to do.


  1. Thanks for participating! :) Love this post!

  2. I like Jane Eyre too... will take that or something like Pride and Prejudice. :)

  3. I've heard many great things about the Scorpio Races. Would love to read it. Good to know that it is one you would read again and again!

  4. The one thing I'd have to have? A fully stocked & staffed 120' yacht!

    Happy Holidays & thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  5. On this list, Graffiti Moon. However on my list, This Lullaby.

  6. My item would have to be a hunting knife, my book LOTR.


  7. Great post! Amanda I love your answers for the items you'd bring - very clever! I don't have an iPod, but I'd definitely want one because I can't imagine living without music...and I'd have to bring my Harry Potter books!


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