Thursday, January 1, 2015

Personal Reading Challenge | January 2015

So it's a new year and since I've changed things up on the blog this past September, I've decided to change up my personal reading challenge goals. I'll make it work with the book budget posts too so that I stay on track financially as well. Also, I'm not putting a limit how many books I need to read each month. This will allow me time for other things that I like to do (crafts, room renos, visiting with family, watching my fave TV shows, etc). You know... life balance and all that jazz.

So here are my goals I'd like to accomplish in 2015:

1) Making a reading jar - a fun way to get some books read from my TBR piles *originally found on The Book Vixen

2) Accept fewer review books - I'd like to try catching up on some of the books on my shelves (this includes ARCs received and NetGalley books)

3) Write more book reviews -  Go back and write reviews for books I've read but haven't reviewed yet (there are a lot)

4) Write more non-bookish posts - thoughts about TV shows, crafts I've done, recipes I've tried, etc

5) Finish my office so I can start using it - missing a desk and need to hang all of my amazing prints, photos, etc. 

6) Buy a planner and get organized!

Well that's all folks! I'm sure I will come up with some more ideas as the year goes on, but this is what I've got so far.


  1. Hey those sound like some great things to work on. I'm trying to get organized also.

    1. Wishing you luck. I know I need it to get organized. I always have the best intentions, but still struggle. ;)

  2. I hope you do a post on your TBR Jar when you've made it. I love seeing other people's jars :) I also plan to read less 'review commitment' books. I need to read through my existing TBR pile. I want to get organized as well. I need to get going on my Blogging Planner.

    Great list and I hope you accomplish everything on your list!

    1. Thanks Brianna! I'm hoping to make my reading jar this weekend (if only I can find my printed list that I planned to put in the jar).

    2. I made my jar tonight. So much fun! I'm posting about it on Monday. :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Accept (or request) less review books is easier said that done hehe. Well for me at least. I also love the reading jar idea and have always wanted to do it. But then Im so picky with what I read next and what I'm in the mood for >.< Non bookish posts are fun! I love TV shows and movie posts since I'm an addict of both! :)

    1. I know it's easier said than done, I've lived it year after year. I always say I'll cut back, but I don't. ;)

      As for the reading jar, check out my post on Monday about the reading jar I created. I didn't make it a pile of titles that need to be read, I made it a lot more creative so that it can still work with the fact that I'm a mood reader.


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