Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bloggiesta Winter 2015

Bloggiesta is a mini marathon of catching up on blog related items that you need to check off that ever growing list. It can be anything you like as long as it has to do with your blog. And you get to participate along with all those other bloggers that are in the same boat. So get together your list and get ready for the Winter 2015 Mini Bloggiesta: January 17-19.
1. Update my book review index.
2. Update my sidebar.
3. Pre-write all of the upcoming posts for blog tours (just add review).
4. Take the 2014 Challenge page and make it a round up post (update it too).
5. Write two book reviews.
6. Make my Reading Jar
7. Figure out how to unlink everything (Twitter, Facebook, etc) so it all doesn't auto tweet at the same time when a post goes up on the blog.

8. Set up posts for a years worth of Personal Reading Challenge and Book Budget. 
9. Visit everyone that signed up for this Bloggiesta.
10. Sign up for Instagram and add a widget to sidebar?
That's all folks. I know there is a lot more that I want to do, but this is what I think I can handle.

If you are participating, leave me a comment and I'd love to hop over to see your list!


  1. I'll be doing the review index too. So far behind. Sigh. Good luck!

    1. Good luck to you too. I think I'd like to change mine, but not sure how to do what I want to do. So for now I'll just update it and be happy with that. ;)

  2. I like you're to-do list. I'm working on my list now, and will have my Bloggiesta post up in a few days. Good luck getting everything done! :)

    1. Thanks Candy! I'll stop by to check yours out too! Good luck to you!

  3. I'm working on my to do list now. Good luck on yours!

  4. Replies
    1. I know it's so great. I remembered seeing it on The Book Vixens site and book marking it, so I'm determined to make one too!

  5. I have a TBR jar, I love it :) I need to use it more tho :/ Good luck!

    1. I made the reading jar tonight. Took tons of pics and will write a post about it to go up this week!

      Good luck to you too!

  6. Looking forward to seeing how your reading jar turns out. I created one. It was both fun and slightly depressing. Only because it made me realize how many books are in need of attention. *sigh*

    1. I made mine tonight and plan to write a post about it, since I made mine a little different than just the list of titles needing to be read. I wanted it to be fun and something to make reading fun. You'll have to come back to see what I did. :)

      Good luck with your reading jar!

  7. Reading Jar! I've got to add that to my list. Thanks.

    1. Make one. It was fun. :) I'm writing a post about it for later this week!

  8. I am very curious about the Reading Jar...and congrats on all you have accomplished.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Congrats on all that you have finished. I am wondering what your reading index is but I have a feeling I know what that is. I never hear of the Reading Jar.

  10. Dear Chrystal,

    Thanks so much for visiting me at Create With Joy! I took the time to read through your last several posts and the about sections of your blog and I'd really like to connect with you! We have similar goals for the year as well as shared interests (not only a love of books but a love of crafting). I also love the idea of that Reading Jar!

    I hope you'll join us at the Book Nook and Inspire Me Monday and connect with me on Instagram (I saw you started a new account as one of your goals but couldn't find the button to follow you!)

    Have a wonderful week and I look forward to getting to know you better! :-)

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I will definitely check out your Monday posts. I'm just trying to figure out how to connect my Instagram and add the button. I have yet to take any pics on it, but am hoping to start using it a lot more often. Cheers!

  11. Looks like you've got a great list, and it's more than half done already! Hooray for a successful Bloggiesta! :)

  12. That TBR jar is awesome, though intimidating if I use my Goodreads TBR. It is more than a little insane. I could always do a portion of it, so as not to be insane. I can't wait to see the finished product.

    1. I didn't make a TBR jar, I made a reading jar. I have a post going up tomorrow on how I made mine. It's more like reading prompt: a book with a red cover, title starting with M, a library book, etc. This was it's still flexible to allow me to read what I want since I'm a mood reader, but will help me to get that TBR pile under control. :)

  13. Congrats! You got everything on your list done. Great job! Your blog looks great :)

    1. I just finished. But I have another list of things I'd like to do. Perhaps I'll keep it written down for the next Bloggiesta. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Wow, way to get through your list! I'm still cracking away at mine. The reading jar idea is so great, by the way!

    1. Thanks! Took a lot of time, but I'm super happy with what I got done. Hope you were able to finish yours today.

  15. Wow! You did great getting everything done! Great job! I finished most of my list, so I'm counting it as a success!

    1. Thanks Julie! I'd count yours as a success too. :)


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