Monday, July 15, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 8

A big thanks to April from Good Books Good Wine for hosting. Check it out here

Day 8: QUICK! Write 15 bullet points of things that appeal to you on blogs.

  • Colours - I love beautiful colour combinations on blogs. 
  • Images - like buttons, headers and social media icons.
  • Discussion posts.
  • Layouts - I like organized layouts.
  • Creative titles on posts.
  • Clear fonts - ones that are easy to read.
  • Challenges - interesting challenges draw me in.
  • Author Interview posts.
  • Reviews without ratings - I like to read what people have to say, but not the STAR factor. 
  • Quirky writing styles.
  • Well laid out posts/reviews.


  1. I agree with many of your bullet points. I never thought of creative titles...

    Happy reading!

    1. I think creative titles for discussion posts etc are fun, but not for reviews. Haven't really figured out a fun way to do this though - I am usually the one who writes pretty straight forward titles.

  2. I'm with you on all of these, although for reviews, I think I just like the titel to be the name of the book....

    Kate @ Ex Libris

    1. True - for review posts I agree, but perhaps with discussion posts it would be ok to have a little fun with them.

  3. I love quirky writing styles! Readable fonts are a MUST. I can't stand bright white font against dark backgrounds :/

    The Passionate Bookworm

    1. Good point, I dislike white fonts on dark too - so hard to read.


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