Sunday, July 14, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 7

A big thanks to April from Good Books Good Wine for hosting. Check it out here.

 Day 7: Talk About Your Blogging Quirks

I would say one of my blogging quirks is participating in more challenges than I can handle. I want to read so many books and I sign up for a million challenges, but can't seem to complete most of them. It's almost overwhelming, but I think I keep holding out hope that I'll complete them all one year. 

I like all of the colours to work well on my blog and freak out when they don't.

I sometimes feel like I have too much on my sidebars, but I also feel they are well organized. Guess organized is better than chaos. I love having all of the imagery in the sidebar, but don't like feeling cluttered. It's a tough spot, but I think it looks ok. 

I also tend to start a lot great ideas, but forget to keep up on them... like my A-Z list of reviews (been a while since I added to the list with links of my reviews), the Canadian Event Calendar (I try to update it monthly) and I'm sure there are more. I get sidetracked easily.

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