Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Deserted Island (with Giveaway): Blogger Kati from Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see what your favourite authors and bloggers would pick. Click here if you would like to participate.

This week we are featuring a fellow book blogger, Kati. 

Kati is one of the bloggers behind Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance. She spends most of her days bumming around at the beach reading romance books while ogling the lifeguards behind her $5 aviators. When not reading, she is being assistantly to Vicky Dreiling or publicly stalking author Jenn LeBlanc on Twitter. She also likes to write stories for her East Coast BFF Jamie during down time.

**Love the aviators Kati! You look badass. :) Thanks for jumping in to help me out a bind at the last minute.

Before we get to the good stuff, I would like to thank Chrystal for inviting me to be part of the feature!

If I get Gilligan’d on some far away island, these are the five things I would have with me:
  1. My bff Jamie: I would totally go Tom Hanks if I ended up talking to myself so bringing a friend along to be stranded with me would make for more interesting conversation than with a volleyball.
  2. An endless supply of fruity drinks. Cabana Boys included.
  3. An air mattress. There’s has be something comfortable there. Besides, sleeping on sand is overrated.
  4. iPod that doesn’t need to be recharged. Some island music to go with our Cabana Boys and endless supply of fruity drinks.
  5. Matches. To cook and keep warm with. Unless the Cabana Boys are up to that task.

5 Books I Would Bring. Wait, could my Kindle, iPad and iPhone count as 3 of those books? I’d have an endless supply to choose from. Once one e-reader is drained of power, I can move on to the next one. No? Okayyy. Here’s my list:

  1. Lover Reborn by J.R Ward- Out of all the books in the BDB series, this one is my favorite. It sort of reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3: “To everything there is a season...” It’s beautifully written and has something for everyone whether it’s laugh out loud moments, ‘I think I just felt my heart stop’ scenes and the Brothers like you’ve never seen them before. I don’t think I’ve cried this much while reading, except for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
  2. An Affair Before Christmas by Eloisa James- I’m a sucker for holiday romances and this one seems to be my favorite. The cracked spine and dog-eared pages can attest to that. The Duke must make his Duchess fall back in love with him...le sigh... One of my favorite tropes.
  3. Men Out of Uniform anthology- Three stories from Maya Banks, Karen Tabke and Sylvia Day. I can re-read the stories in any order and they would still make sense.
  4. I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell by Tucker Max. Total potty humor to the point of either wanting to kiss this guy or smack him in the face. It’s utterly crude and he comes off as a total d-bag but if I need a good ‘laugh until my side hurts’ read, this book is it.
  5. The Rake and the Recluse by Jenn LeBlanc- Should our Cabana Boys desert us in the dead of night and find their way back to civilization, we’ve got Jenn’s illustrated romance to ogle. The pictures are gorgeous but the story is fascinating. A 21st century woman ends up in 19th century England, falls in love with a recluse duke who has a charming Super Rake of a brother who in turn falls for the most unlikely woman. Ever.
So there you have it, 10 items I would bring with me should I ever get stranded. Knowing my luck, I just end up on the other side of the island where there’s nothing but palm trees, sand and a jungle to separate us from civilization. Kind of like that horrible Amanda Bynes made for TV movie Lovewrecked

And one more amazing thing from Kati...

it's a GIVEAWAY!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can find Katie around the web at the following places:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


  1. I would bring a solar powered generator to keep my e-reader & laptop charged!!
    If I could, I'd bring my hubby too ;-) hehe.

    1. LOL solar powered generator... over taking hubby?!?

  2. Definitely my laptop where I have all my books... I can't narrow my books to just 5 books!

  3. Ahh Aislynn, you're smart. I forgot about that. Silly distracting Cabana Boys! Getting stranded with someone else makes for a more interesting cast away story when you get back to civilization. lol.

    May, ain't that the truth? These e-readers are genius. I want to kiss whoever came up with the concept.

  4. I would want McGuyver b/c he could build a generator and a computer out of coconut!

  5. The air mattress is a good idea! I never thought of that but getting a good night's rest is pretty important. Plus I'm going to need a comfortable place to read. For books I would would probably be a mix of new books and old favorites. I have Lover Reborn on my want to read list, though I'm still working through the series. I sort of want to read it right away but if I do it's a LONG wait until the next book.

    1. Na, how far along are you in the BDB series? Jamie was the one that got me hooked on the series and yes, it's a LONG wait until the next book but it's the one everyone's been waiting for after Tohr's story.

  6. I love that I get to come along and by come along I mean get stranded! Do I get to bring 5 books and items then too? I mean the only thing we're missing is some music and we'd be set. Though I am bringing a generator with us because I can't be all Amish. And maybe a knife or something. I saw on Man vs Wild that you should always have a knife.

    1. Hi Jamie. You could always guest post and have your own Deserted Island day if you like. :) I agree with the knife and also not being stuck all Amish. LOL

    2. Of course you can bring a generator and a knife. Will you tell me stories to pass the time?

  7. I would definitley need my laptop with all my books, but also a charger that runs on solar energy....if the battery dies on me I would be left with nothing ;)

  8. Hmmmm Tohr, why am I not surprised.

    1. I mean, I would bring the whole series if Ward sold them as a bajillion page book.

  9. Most of my books are on my Nook, so I'd have to bring some sort of solar photovoltaic device to repower it. :p

    I also totally second the mattress option. :)

  10. I have hundreds of books on my Kindle. I would need the Professor from Gilligan's Island to help construct a solar Kindle charger out of coconuts. ;)

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  11. Hmmmmmmmmmm that Jenn LeBlanc book is something right up my alley, I LOVE time-travel books! Although I could not read THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE, tried many times to read it and never could finish it. Loved the movie though.

    The one book I'd take for sure would be OUTLANDER. For one thing, it does take a while to read, so I'd kill some great time re-reading for the 100th or so time, one of my all-time favorite romances.

    blondemoon1260 at msn dot com

    1. OMG! I tried reading The Time Traveler's Wife and the bookmark is stuck on page 38...sigh... Confession: I've never read Outlander but it's on my list.

    2. I haven't read or seen the movie for The Time Traveler's Wife. And Outlander series is on my must read sometime list.

  12. Tough choice between an e-reader and Sheldon Cooper. I'd survive with Sheldon since he's a genius, although I'd probably get annoyed with him. Well at least I'll never be bored.

  13. I would take all the books that are on my shelf that I set aside because I haven't had time to read them. =D Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Probably my Kindle, and internet access. So I could read whenever I wanted :)

    1. I think it would be hard to get internet access on a deserted island. lol.

  15. +JMJ+

    A GPS tracker chip, to make me easy to find and to rescue! ;-)

  16. I would have:
    1. Laptop w/ internet access
    2. Solar panel to charge said laptop
    3. endless supply of firewood & matches
    4. bed w/ sheets
    5. food/water

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. That's a sensible packing list :) I wish I had exchanged the cabana boys with the solar panel or generator (Jamie pointed this out to me)

  17. I would bring a flashlight, because I'm kind of afraid of the dark.


  18. I was going to pick my computer, but I realized that there probably wouldn't be any electrical outputs on a stranded island so it would end up just being a hunk of metal LOL! I guess I'd have to go with my bookshelf filled with books, and my best friend Kaylee to search for food while talking my ear off, because I don't think I'd be able to take the silence haha -- and she would kill the bugs for me! x)

    Thanks so much for the giveaway! :) <3

    1. What a good friend to kill bugs for you. I'm sure there will be lots of bugs, so good choice. :)

    2. Haha that's fantastic! Everyone should have a friend to get stranded with.

  19. Bug Repellent
    Army survivor kit
    Solar powered Ipad (not yet invented)
    Best friend (sorry friend but I would get lonely)

  20. I just watched an episode of mythbusters where they only used duct-tape to get off 'deserted' island. It was pretty cool! So, my list would be :
    1. Duct tape
    2. Kindle that doesn't need charged! I have enough books to last me a few months on there! ;
    3. A pot so I could boil water
    4. Matches. Cause there's no frickin way I could start a fire w/o them
    5. I'll go with a mattress too. ;D

    Now, if I could only bring 5 books? I'd bring The Gunslinger, The Dark Tower, Clan of the Cave Bear, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (because being stuck on an island I'd need something funny!), andddd..Looking For Alaska. These are all books I could reread a hundred times and not get sick of them. Maybe. ;)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I've never seen that episode of Mythbusters. Man! I need to keep streaming them.

  21. my kindle with endless battery, a swiss knife, lighter, and an unfortunate friend who will be stuck with me. :p

    1. I hope you like your unfortunate friend that you're stranded with. lol.

  22. I would bring:
    1. My bestie so together we can read chat n well I hate being alone.
    2. My IPod with tons of music and books(kindle app) with solar charger
    3. Air mattress n cover because will need a comfortable place to lie down n enjoy reading n music
    4. Food n something to drink I can't starve I am a big foodie
    5. Army survivor kit for rest of the important items needed

    1. That's a great list. Maybe I should have replaced the cabana boys with a Navy SEAL. At least he'd be handier than just bringing fruity drinks.

  23. I have to agree with the matches or a lighter.

  24. I'd bring my dog because there's no way that I'd be able to survive alone on a deserted island without her!

    1. I never thought to bring my pets, they'd just use the beach as a big litter box - cats are like that you know. ;) LOL

  25. I agree with the e-reader, I'd need my Nook so I could have tons of books!

  26. I'd need a generator and my laptop (oh and a satellite linkup to the internet) as I'd go mad without my laptop and the internet!!

  27. Ereader sounds good!

    Thanks so much.

    I love how everyone also has a generator :)

    jennifer k

  28. I think if I were stuck, I'd want to NOT be stuck with people who annoy me. I guess I could always view them as food.

    1. Hmm...Sounds like a premise for a good horror movie.

  29. I think I could really use a good knife, especially a Swiss knife:)

  30. Thank you so much for this giveaway. If I were stuck anywhere, I'd love a tool to get out, and if that were impossible and it wasn't somewhere tragic or fatal (like a tropical island with other people as well)m U;d just need an awesome book to read. Or all my Harry Potter books. I think that would be enough, :D

  31. I would have:
    1. Battle Royale (great novel!)
    2. laptop
    3. cell-phone
    4. bed
    5. solar charger

    Thank yoou so much for the giveaway!


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