Tuesday, July 16, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 9

A big thanks to April from Good Books Good Wine for hosting. Check it out here

Day 9: Why do you blog about books?

Blogging about books is my way of getting my thoughts down about the books I read. I love talking about books, but not everyone around me in my everyday life wants to talk books with me. Blogging about them lets me chat with other like minded individuals. AND it lets me keep track of the books I've read. I have a thing for lists. 

I've found so many new friends after starting my blog and I wouldn't trade it for the world.


  1. YES! Same thing here. My sisters and mom are book nerds like me. But I never get to talk to them! My boyfriend is not a reader, and I rarely even get to talk to my best friend who is a reader. I used to work at borders and LOVED getting to talk to customers and my co-workers 24/7.. I was heartbroken when it closed and didn't know what I would do! The Passionate Bookworm

    1. Oh that would be horrible, to work for a bookstore and then it be taken away. I would love to work at a bookstore or library one day.

  2. I have the same issue...the people around me don't share my interest...that's why this community is so great!


I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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