Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blogger Interview: Luanne from A Bookworm's World

I have loved working on this Library Week Series, because I've learned so much about my fellow bloggers who work in libraries and have had a great time interviewing and getting to know them so much. Today one of my fellow Ontario Book Bloggers is being interviewed about her career with the library. Welcome Luanne from A Bookworm's World! You should also check out Luanne's feature called Over the Counter - where she writes, "I've sadly come the realization that I cannot physically read every book that catches my interest as it crosses over my counter at the library." So she features them on her blog in hopes that they catch a reader's eye. I love this feature!

Describe your job in 140 characters (a tweet).
What should I read next?  How do I..? Where can I find..? Do you have..? Greetings. Smiles. So much to offer! Items in - items out. Wonderful!

What is your favourite part about working in the public library system? Least favourite?
Oh, my favourite part for sure is interaction with patrons. I really enjoy having a new question/situation every few minutes and coming up with the necessary answers/items/information that the patron was looking for. Being surrounded by books all day is a big plus!
Least favourite - rude, angry people.

What would you suggest as a starting place for someone looking to start a career in the library system? Courses, volunteer work, etc.
I'm sure every system is different in what they require. And it depends on what you're looking to do in a library. Do you want to be a librarian? You'll need a Masters in MLIS. A library assistant? Two years of post secondary and a personality and background that is conducive to public service. A page? Good grasp of the alphabet and number skills. A desire for order! Our library has taken on a number of placement students in page positions (returning to work, new Canadians, high school co op and more) to give them a taste of the job. Many of these placements are hired. My library system is lucky enough to have a large number of volunteers. High school students looking for their 40 hours, retired folks looking for meaningful volunteer time ( working with ESL patrons on language skills), computer coaches, kids' activities helpers and so many more.

How did you know that you wanted to work in a library? How did you decide which role within the library system you wanted to be involved in?
I worked in a number of other positions before I landed at the library seven years ago. But they all had one thing in common. They were all public service, most of them involved sharing knowledge and I enjoyed every one. When I was little I used to play library. When I saw an ad in the local paper for the public library, I decided the time was right to make another job change. And my skill set matched the qualifications for library assistant. But, I have to say I won't be making another change - I love my job!

How did you get into book blogging?
My first post was on March 18, 2008, so I've been blogging for about 4 1/2 years now. I started with the idea of keeping track of what books I read over the year and my thoughts on them for friends and friends who asked for book recommendations. It's grown bigger than I could have imagined! I also blog for my library's website.

Hardcover, paperback, audiobook or ebook?
I tend to read newly released books so hardcover usually or trade. Not many paperbacks. I always have an audiobook on the go - usually in the car on the way back and forth to work. And yes ebooks as well! And so I usually have three books on the go at the same time.

You can pick three fictional characters: marry one, best friends with one and kill one. Who do you pick?

You know, when I get asked about favourite books or characters, I can never limit myself to just one choice. I have a number of authors and books I'm passionate about and recommend. but not just one. So I don't think I can really narrow it down. (and I really do already have a wonderful husband and best friend!)

Recommend a book to your 16 year old self.

Well, my sixteen year old self was actually reading quite a bit back then - I was obsessed with Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins after having to read a Dickens title in a grade thirteen lit class. And again, picking one title is difficult, but books that celebrate the human spirit, such as Lori Lansens Rush Home Road would be a good recommendation.

About Luanne:
"I feel a distinct sense of panic if I don't have a book with me at all times. Or if the stack on the floor starts to get too low."
You can find Luanne around the web:


  1. Chrystal, thanks so much for having me take part in this great feature! Now - it's off to work at the library!

    1. Thank you so much for participating! :) Loved your interview!


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