Thursday, October 18, 2012

Deserted Island: author Brian Rowe

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams  of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five  other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a  deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some  are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see  what your favourite authors and bloggers would pick. Click here if you would like to participate.

This week author Brian Rowe is stopping by with his Deserted Island choices and over the next two days you will see my reviews for his two most recent novels: The Vampire Underground and The Zombie Playground. You can also find my review of Happy Birthday To Me, here

Thanks so much for allowing me to participate in your super fun Deserted Island post! I can't imagine a reality where I had to pick only five books to read for the rest of my life, but here goes…
  1. Boy's Life, by Robert McCammon
  2. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
  3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by J.K. Rowling
  4. American Gods, by Neil Gaiman
  5. On Writing, by Stephen King
1.  Let's start with Boy's Life, my all-time favorite book, which was a novel I was required to read during the summer before my sophomore year of high school. I remember how skeptical I was of the book, since it was over 600 pages long. But I wish it had been 600 pages more. Reading Boy's Life that summer was the most magical reading experience in my life. Twelve years later I still haven't re-read the book, afraid almost that it won't live up to the reputation I've created for it in my mind. But if I were stuck on a deserted island, I think I'd want to finally read it again, and dig deep down into Cory's world a second time.

2. To Kill a Mockingbird, another one I had to read in high school, and another one I've read only once. But I can imagine, versus most every other book out there, that this would have the kind of staying power a novel pick for a deserted island would give me. I absolutely fell in love with this story once upon a time, and I've been meaning to read it again. It's one of the most gorgeous stories ever put to paper. I couldn't imagine not being able to ever read it again. 

3. I rarely re-read books, but I have re-read most of the Harry Potter books at least once. One of my five choices would have to be a Harry Potter book, but which one? I know people have their favorites—Prisoner of Azkaban is spectacular, and Order of the Phoenix is the longest and richest—but my favorite remains the middle chapter, Goblet of Fire, the book that transitioned the story from one for kids, to one for teenagers. It's simply the most epic of them all, and I love it dearly.

4. American Gods is a strange choice because, well, I actually haven't read it yet. It stares back at me every day from my bookshelf, and every day I say to myself, I really need to read this book. But its length has kept me from starting it, because I know it's a commitment. Neil Gaiman is my friend's favorite author, and she had I needed to start with American Gods, because it's his richest, most satisfying work of all. If I had it on a deserted island with me, I'd simply have to dive in. And I kind of like the idea of having a book on the island I actually haven't read yet. Who knows… maybe it would be the best of them all!

5. I would hope I have at the very least a pen and paper on this deserted island, so I could continue with what I like to do most—write. And because I love to read about writing so much, I couldn't imagine going to this island without at least one of my favorite books on the craft. I have a few I've fallen in love with over the years, but none comes close to Stephen King's compulsively readable and endlessly fascinating On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. It's the one book I read from cover to cover at least once a year. I love it and would be proud to include it among my four other choices.

Five Items
  1. Stack of notebooks. To write.
  2. Pens. To write with. 
  3. Snack bars. For nourishment.
  4. Bottled waters. To keep me hydrated.
  5. A universal cell phone. To get me the hell out of there.

Thanks again for featuring me on the blog today! My two new YA horror novels The Vampire Underground and The Zombie Playground are now available on Amazon. The Vampire Underground is only 99 cents, and The Zombie Playground is FREE for a limited time! And look for the third and final chapter of my Grisly High trilogy this Christmas, the ultimate one of all – The Monster Apocalypse!

About the Author:
Writing Fiend. Book Devotee. Film Fanatic. Constant Dreamer. Author of SLATE and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.

1 comment:

  1. What a great list! From the writing perspective American Gods is excellent (I'm reading it right now and it is a commitment). But Gaiman's craft and imagination make it worthwhile. As for King, what else to say, my copy is all battered and covered in small post-its. Possibly my favorite King book :)


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