Thursday, March 29, 2012

Deserted Island: Author Jessica E. Subject

WARNING: some links on this post may lead to pages with books that contain ADULT CONTENT!

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see what your fave authors and bloggers would pick. 
Today I would like to welcome author Jessica E. Subject to the blog! Thank you for participating in the Deserted Island feature - I love your 4th book choice. And as an added bonus it's nice to see that authors can use their books to help promote such worthy causes. 


Thank you so much, Chrystal for having me on your blog today!
What five books and what five other items would I want with me if I were ever stuck on a deserted island?
Wow, my list could be endless, but to limit to only five…hmmm.
Okay, to start with the other items:
  1. An air mattress – This would have to be really good quality, as I’ve slept on air mattresses before, including ones which happened to have holes in them. I’m not sure which is worse, an air mattress deflating when there is frost in the tent, or when it’s water. Either way, it’s not fun. And sand? I could only imagine.
  2. A knife – It would come in handy for preparing all kinds of food.
  3. Matches – For lighting fires to cook food and boil water.
  4. A pot – To use when cooking food and boiling water.
  5. A pen – See number 5 in books
And now onto the books (I think this is even harder to choose.):

  1. Imago Chronicles book one: A Warrior’s Tale by Lorna (L.T.) Suzuki
  2. Deception Point by Dan Brown
  3. The Host by Stephenie Meyer
(All three are longer, gripping books and would keep me occupied, rather than worrying about being deserted, until someone came to rescue me.)
  1. An astronomy book so I could look up at the stars and know which constellation shone above me.
  2. A blank notebook filled with lined paper, so I could write my own stories while I waited.
I’m excited to be part of Decadent Publishing’s Read-For-A-Cure program where all publisher proceeds from the sale of Celestial Seduction during the month of March will be donated to the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Live program.

To help the Read-For-A-Cure program you can buy a copy of Jessica's book here.

About the author:
Jessica Subject started writing to encourage her daughter to read. Now she writes to keep herself grounded. Although she reads many genres, she enjoys writing Science Fiction Romance the most and believes everyone in the universe deserves a happily ever after. She lives Southwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids and loves to hear from anyone who has enjoyed her stories. Her debut novella, Celestial Seduction is available from Decadent Publishing.

You can find Jessica all over the net: Website/BlogTwitter | Facebook


  1. Thank you for having me as part of your deserted island feature! :)

  2. What about a satelite phone? So you can call for a lift once you're done with your vacation.
    Nice choices.

    1. I thought about that one, too. :) but I would hope someone would realize I was missing and a general area of where I'd be.

  3. I would bring Bear Grylls as one of my 5 things. He would be the ultimate survivor tool, lol!

    I am so with you on the air mattress--nothing worse than a leaky one!

    Angela Ackerman

    1. Great idea, Angela! ;)

      I've had the air mattress thing happen in the winter and summer, hence why I don't do tents anymore.

  4. You forgot BOB...LOL, Great choices though, lol.

  5. I love your deserted island posts!! And I heartilly agree with the book of blank paper. A must!

    1. Absolutely, Dana! Otherwise, I'd be writing in the other books I'd brought along, and that's just a huge no-no for me. Thanks!


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