Friday, March 30, 2012

Bloggiesta 2012

Here is where I make the list of things I would like to accomplish this Bloggiesta weekend:
1) fix my review tab (either make one for each year like other blogs or do I just keep going with the one tab that has all reviews organized alphabetically by title?)
2) make a page or update my ABOUT ME tab to include a timeline similar to this one  (changed my mind on how I wanted it to be... there are links to cool things I've done, but not as extensive)
3) learn to make a VLOG
4) organize myself by creating a schedule for my review pile (I need to get caught up)
5) update my trackers for challenges
6) cross post my reviews to Goodreads, Amazon, etc (very behind on this)
7) post some shout outs for participants in Deserted Island feature
8) update my list of blogs I follow
9) get organized with Aislynn for the 2nd annual Canada Day Hop
10) setup a survey for my blog (what people like, don't like, etc)

11) Sidebar Clean Up from The Reading Fever's Mini-Challenge
12) Windows Live Writer Mini Challenge @ Reading Housewives of Indiana

13) Optimizing my blog using SEO Mini-Challenge via Good Books and Good Wine
14) Backing up my blog Mini-Challenge via The Book Vixen
15) Freshen Up Your Blog Mini-Challenge via Emily's Reading Room


  1. OOh I love the one where you update your blog follow list. I might add that to mine ;)

    Great list. Happy Bloggiesta

    1. I need a better place to list my favourite blogs... so now is the perfect time to get that dealt with. :)

      Happy Bloggiesta to you too!

  2. Good list. Sounds like you have some work ahead of you. Have fun. I look forward to seeing the changes.

    1. I just got home... now to get working on that list I created for myself. LOL

  3. No way! You have knocked out so much from your list on the first day. WOW!! I love the Vlog idea. That should be fun!!

    Good luck on the list! :)

    1. I am looking forward to the VLOG, but feel that it might be one of the most challenging for me. LOL

      Have fun this weekend!

  4. Your WLW screenshot looks good! I'm horrible at vlogging, lol.

    1. I'm not sure I'm going to get to try a VLOG today. Since I was helping my mother in law move yesterday, I now have all of my own household things to get done today. *sigh* So I'll be back to bloggiesta this afternoon sometime. LOL

  5. Great list! You've done well, I see. I haven't tried making a vlog yet, it's a good idea for the future.

    1. Thanks Pepca! :) I won't get it all done, but I am off on vacation for most of this week - so I might just complete the rest of this list then.


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