Thursday, March 1, 2012

Deserted Island: Author Jennifer Malone Wright

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see what your fave authors and bloggers would pick.

This week author Jennifer Malone Wright is stopping by with her deserted island choices. If you don't know Jennifer from around the web (especially twitter) then you are missing out. She has some really amazing books out there too: The Birth of Jaiden and The Vampire Hunter's Daughter Collection!  


All right, if I were to be stuck on a deserted island and could only bring 5 items, I think it would have to be these.

1.    A toothbrush
2.    A hairbrush
3.    A flint thingy for making fires, because I suck at making fires.
4.    A knife.
5.    Pen and endless paper…well, I guess that’s six. But I’m counting pen and paper as one. Lol

Now, if I were allowed to bring 5 books to the island with me, I would have to pick these. (I had the hardest time choosing.)


1.    The Bible.
2.    The Odyssey, because it would take me my whole life to translate and decipher the thing.
3.    Stephen Kings, The Stand, because I can read it over and over and still find stuff I miss.
4.    Some kind of extensive medical book…just in case I need it.
5.    A survival guide of some kind…one that tells me what plants I can eat and stuff like that.

Thanks for stopping by today Jennifer!

You can find Jennifer around the web here: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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