Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Monthly Challenges Update

This is where I will post my monthly recap for the challenges I am participating in. 

*Complete the 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge where I signed up to read 21-30 books from my gianormous TBR pile. (See below for update on this challenge)
*Host the 2nd Annual Romance Week in February with my BFF Aislynn (Stitch -  Read - Cook)
*Work on starting up my new feature - Deserted Island. Starts in January!
*Read 3 Julia Quinn novels for the Julia Quinn Reading Challenge (see below for that update)
*Finish the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton (Skin Trade, Flirt, Bullet and Hit List)
*Read the Maggie O'Dell sereis by Alex Kava (nine books in this series)
*Read 10 zombie books!
*I'm in love with my Sony Pocket Reader and hope to read at least 20 e-books in 2012.
*Read 100 books in 2012 (I fell extremely short in 2011, but a lot happened this year). (see my GoodReads updated in sidebar)

I signed up to read 21-30 books for this one. Here is where I am at:
-Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler
-Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

I have a goal to read three Julia Quinn novels, but I have yet to start any. I do own two that I can do for this challenge. Guess I should sneak these in soon. :)

EDIT: I changed my mind and instead of doing a monthly update... I decided to create a tab on my page that tracks everything in one spot and links back to the challenges pages.


  1. Awwww!!! You're Aislynn's BFF! Aw men, I love this girl, she is sooo awesome :) Well, now we definitely need to meet up - all three of us! :D

    Also, thanks for participating in your TBR PILE challenge :) I'm gonna go check out your review of Why We Broke Up now! <3

    1. *our TBR PILE challenge, not your LOL.. Need coffee.. brain-dead xD

    2. Yep Aislynn and I have been BFFs since college and she lives in the same town as my parents... actually hers live down the road (kinda) from my parents. :)

      I get to see her every time I head home to visit my mom and dad. :)

      Next time Ais and I plan to meet up in Toronto - we should totally get together. I will make sure to let you know.

    3. We should totally meet up

      One of these days we'll have to post the story of how we met C lol

  2. Wow, GO CHRYSTAL! :) So many awesome challenges up there! This is the first year I'm attempting any challenges so I'm keeping the list to 2 but hopefully if everything works out, I can expand next year. Happy reading and good luck with all of the reading! <3


    1. Thanks Sonia! Last year I attempted TOO many, but this year I tried to keep it to things I'm pretty sure I can accomplish. ;)

      Good luck with your challenges. :)


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