Friday, March 2, 2012

Bloggiesta is back!

I have been waiting forever for Bloggiesta to happen again, though I have had my own sporadic blog cleanup, catch-up, update weekends here and there. But there is nothing like Bloggiesta! I'm so glad it's back! 

Bloggiesta will be held March 30th through April 1st.
You can sign up here!

I'm already starting my list of things to accomplish!


  1. Way to get going on your to do list! Mine is miles long too. I'm so glad you'll be joining us!

  2. I've already started my list, too. I'm really looking forward to it.
    Joy's Book Blog

    1. Looking forward to seeing what your list will include! :)

  3. I am taking part too and I love this because it forces me to focus on my blog more so.

    1. I spend so much time on my blog already, BUT this time I will have a set list of things to accomplish in a set timeline. ;)


I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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