Saturday, March 28, 2020

The ABC Book Challenge 2020 | G

I stumbled upon this challenge on a handful of blogs, but still do not know where it originates. If you happen to know who started this challenge, please send me a message or leave me a comment so I can give proper credit.

For now, here are the places I found this first: Bookworm Muse, A Book A Thought, Life of a Literary Nerd.

I plan to write a post for each letter of the alphabet, so keep an eye out for the rest.

Memorable Titles that Begin with "G"

Books on my Shelf or TBR that Begin with "G"

Any suggestions for books starting with G?


  1. Garden Spells sounds good, and I've heard good things about The Grace Year too.

    1. Garden Spells is a favourite and one of my first magical realism books. And I hope to get to The Grace Year this yea. Thanks for stopping by.


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