Saturday, August 24, 2019

Reader Problems Book Tag

I found this tag via Howling Libraries and knew I needed to do this one to get me back to blogging. I have limited time and always feel like my blog gets the least of my attention. I am reading, just not able to post as often and find that reviews take more time than tags (hence the quantity of tags and such that you see so often).

1. You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How do you decide what to read next?

I'm a mood reader, but also face slumps. I think it would end up either by picking from my TBR jar, using a random number generator or honestly just picking what book jumps out at me in the moment.

2. You're halfway through a book and you're just not loving it. Do you put it down or are you committed?

For a long time I would force myself to finish each book I picked up, but have since changed my thought process on this. Why keep reading something you're not enjoying? Put it down and find something that captivates you. So many books, so little time.

3. The end of the year is coming and you're behind on your reading challenge. Do you try to catch up? And if so, how?

Try! Listen to audiobooks during commute - this is probably how I get through most of my books right now as I am missing my tablet with my reading apps since my toddler dropped it and shattered the screen. 

4. The covers of a series you love do not match. How do you cope?

I really hate when publishers do this, but I also don't want to spend ALL THE MONEY to buy replacement books unless it is an absolute must have, will read again and again series.
5. Everyone and their mother loved a book that you do not. Who do you bond with over your shared feelings?

The Twitterverse! Where else can you find like minded people to gripe with about books or even at least have a healthy debate for and against books?

6. You're reading a book in public and you're about to start crying. How do you deal?

Let the tears flow. No shame in my game.

7. The sequel to a book you loved just came out, but you've forgotten a lot of what happens. Are you going to reread it?

If I have time I might reread it or just go back and read my thoughts about the first book to refresh my memory. (That's assuming I finally got around to writing the review.)

8. You do not want anyone to borrow your books. How do you politely say no when someone asks?

Most people haven't been to my house, so I don't have to even let them know I own a copy. Muahaha! They can borrow from the library like everyone else (including me for the most part).

9. You have picked up and put down five books in the last month. How do you get over this reading slump?

Listen to an audiobook with a narrator I really love or by an author who's writing always grabs my attention. 

10. There are so many books coming out that you are dying to read. How many do you end up buying?

Maybe one or two. I don't tend to buy books on release dates due to cost. I usually borrow from the library or hope for ARCs. If I really love the book I'll watch for the paperback to come out or for discounted versions.

11. After you purchase all of these book that you're dying to read, how long do they sit on your shelf before you read them?

HAHAHAHA! Trick question... forever? Honestly, a lot sit for far too long but others are read ASAP. It's a complete toss up.

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