Sunday, July 7, 2019

My Good Reading Habits Tag

I stumbled upon a new to me blog, Never Not Reading, and one of the most recent posts was a tag called My Good Reading Habits Tag. Original post @AllyWritesThings.

It's based on listing your good reading habits, since so many people list their bad reading habits. There is no minimum requirement to add to the list, you just literally write out all of the good reading habits. And normally you tag a bunch of people, but I'm not going to... I'll let you decide if you want to play along.

1) Using my local library - A LOT LATELY. This is probably my number one thing now. It saves so much money, lets me borrow all types of formats (print, audiobook, ebook). And many times right from my couch (OVERDRIVE!)

2) Always having a book available - I bring a book in my bag everywhere I go or have an audiobook loaded on my cell phone. This way I always have the ability to read something.

3) Variety - I love reading different genres, so I like to mix it up when I can. Sometimes I will go on a binge of thrillers and then need a break and will read a romance, YA or contemporary fiction.

4) Pick books I end up loving - I'm getting better about picking out books that I will end up rating 3 star or higher. 3 start is a good read to me. Lately, I've read mostly 4 and 5 star books! It's like I'm able to just know I'll enjoy a story.

5) Bookmarks - I'll use almost anything as a bookmark, but rarely will I dog ear a book.

6) TBR PILE - I'm getting better about reading books that are on my bookshelves and attacking my NetGalley mountain. I want to get all my older review books and purchases read before I bring more in (library books don't count). 

That's it - your turn!

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