Thursday, March 16, 2017

HPMOTW: Which cast member do you think was a perfect fit for their character?

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Which cast member do you think was a perfect fit for their character?

Ob-viously, Alan Rickman as Severus Snape. ALWAYS. He's the character you love to hate from the first book, but by the end you love him.You finally understand him in ways you couldn't have imagined. Alan Rickman brings Snape's unlikeability from page to screen. He perfected the scary teacher role with has pacing, his pronunciation of words like obviously and his hate on for Harry. 


The final scene with Alan Rickman always brings tears to my eyes. And when Harry learns the truth of Snape through the pensieve and Snape's tears, it just guts me. The love he had for Harry's Mom, Lily, was always there and I think Harry figured out that Snape hated him because that meant Lily was gone and that he protected Harry out of respect and duty to her as well.


Who would you pick?


  1. Alan Rickman as Snape and also Maggie Smith as McGonagall were both perfectly cast in my opinion.

    1. There were so many great fits, but I agree with you in Maggie Smith. There's just something about her that works so well in that role.

  2. Oh Luna! She was so good too. She's one of my faves and I really want the Luna Funko Pop.

  3. I couldn't agree more! Alan Rickman was the absolute perfect fit for Snape.


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