Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Ten Books I've Added To My Must-Get-My-Hands-On List Lately


Here are the ten most recent books I've added to my wishlist and they are not necessarily new releases, just books I'm hoping to buy or borrow from the library. Apparently I'm continuing my memoir obsession that I had during my pregnancy. What books have you added to your must read or wishlist lately? Are there any memoirs you think I need to add to my list?

An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth Scrappy Little Nobody The Secret Horses of Briar Hill Geek Parenting
You're Never Weird On The Internet Sorry Not Sorry Talking As Fast As I Can Wintersong Up For Renewal>


  1. I bet Lauren Graham's new book is so fun! Scrappy Little Nobody sounds great too.

    My Top Ten

    1. Lauren Graham is amazing and I cannot wait to read this book. I'm asking for it or Scrappy Little Nobody for Christmas!

  2. An Astronaut's Guide looks interesting, and so does The Secret Horses. Curious about that one, neat cover. And Geek PArenting definitely looks interesting!

    1. Might have to buy the Astronaut's Guide for hubby for Christmas! And I really want to read Geek Parenting... might borrow this from the library. :) Thanks for stopping by Greg! PS my hubby is named Greg. ;)

    2. Ha ha good name! :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I really want to read Lauren Graham's new book too.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/11/08/top-ten-tuesday-82/

  4. Wintersong and Up for Renewal look like good reads!

    1. I'm loving the cover for Wintersong. And Up For Renewal looks fun - hoping to snag it from the library!

  5. Cloud Atlas is one that I would like to read. So many books that I forget about.


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