Saturday, August 6, 2016

Stacking The Shelves Again: Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews!

Purchased: (my husband bought these books for Spencer and I as surprises - great husband and daddy)
The Whole Golden World by Kristina Riggle

Never Missing, Never Found by Amanda Panitch (from Kate @ Ex Libris)

For Review:
Who's That Girl? by Mhatre McFarlane via TLC Book Tours
Finding Libbie by Deanna Lynn Sletten via TLC Book Tours
The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco via Sourcebooks Fire
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova via Sourceooks Fire

What books did you get this week? Leave a comment and I'll come check out your book haul!


  1. Looks like a good little haul! Hope you enjoy.

  2. Yay for HP. Grumpy Cat looks like a fun/funny one. Curious about Bone Witch. Happy reading.

  3. These look like some fun books. I think I will wait for the new Harry Potter book to get it from my library. But I really want to read it. Have a great week.

    1. Good idea! I normally borrow a lot from the library, but my hubby surprised me with a copy for my collection! :)

  4. Great stack of books. The Bone Witch and Labyrinth Lost both look creepy, and I'm definitely going to check those out. Happy reading!

    Stéphanie from Tynga's Reviews

    1. The covers are super creepy - it's part of what drew me to them!


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