Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Toddlers Are A**holes by Bunmi Laditan | Review

Toddlers Are A**holes (It's Not Your Fault) by Bunmi Laditan
Published: April 7, 2015
Publisher: Workman Publishing Group
Pages: 176
Received: borrowed from library and then purcashed and ebook version

Toddler a**holery is a normal part of human development—not unlike puberty, except this stage involves throwing food on the floor and taking swings at people who pay your way in life. For parents of toddlers, it's a "you better laugh so you don't cry" period.

Bunmi Laditan's hilarious, satirical guide to toddlerhood offers parents instant (and very welcome) comic relief—along with the very good news that "It's Not Your Fault." Chapters cover the cost of raising a toddler, feeding your toddler, potty-training, tantrums, how to manage the holidays, and "how not to die inside." Parents will see themselves in the very funny sections on taking your toddler to restaurants ("One parent will spend their time walking your toddler around the restaurant and outside like a cocker spaniel, while the other, luckier parent will eat alone."), Things You Thought You'd Never Say That You Now Say As a Parent of a Toddler ("I can tell you're pooping because your eyes are watering."), and how to order pizza ("Spend $40 on pizza delivery. Listen to your toddler cry for 30 minutes about how the pizza is all wrong. Watch your toddler take a small bite of crust. Google 'can anger give you a heart attack?' Start the bedtime routine.").

Laditan's wildly funny voice has attracted hundreds of thousands of fans of Honest Toddler on social media; here she speaks parent-to-tired-parent, easing the pains and challenges of raising toddlers with a hefty dose of adult humor and wit.

My baby hasn't even made it into the world (7 weeks to go), but I was getting tired of reading books about pregnancy and babies. I stumbled upon Bunmi Laditan's facebook page due to friends liking some of her posts and it making it's way to me feed. I adored Bunmi's honesty and the fact that she is not afraid to share what it feels like to be a Mom who is not perfect and who doesn't strive to be the picture perfect mommy (aka the Sanctiparent/Sanctimommy). She is sassy, witty and honest. I want to be her best friend!

So I quickly reserved her book Toddlers Are A**holes from the library and after two chapters, I jumped online to order the Kindle version for my tablet as I know it is a book I will want to look back on to remind me that I am not losing my mind, that kids are crazy and it's okay to not be perfect. 

She tells it like it is. She calls out those who make others feel small and imperfect. She makes jokes out of the everyday things that happen in life with a toddler. Sure some are over the top (and probably never happen), but most are to make you laugh and not feel alone.It's parody people!

Pretty much anything you want to know about raising a toddler is in this book. You need to take the entire thing with a grain of salt and a dose of  humour, but it's so hilarious that you'll want a copy for yourself.

Sections about "Grooming Your Goblin", "Mealtime aka Hell", "How Not To Die Inside" and "Rites of Passage" are just a few of the chapters that are filled with wisdom, anecdotes and lists. 

If you haven't checked out her website, do it! Or check our her facebook page. You won't regret it. Remember to bring your sense of humour.

About the Author: 
Bunmi Laditan is a contributor to Parenting.com, Mothering.com, iVillage.com, and The Huffington Post. She lives with her family outside of Montreal. The Honest Toddler is based on her youngest child. Not potty trained, not trying, HT enjoys attention, cake, television, running & games.


  1. Omg this sounds hilarious. XD I babysit my sisters kids a lot and can attest wildly to some of the weirdness of little kids. BUT THEY'RE CUTE AND FUN TOO. But weird. ;D I'm glad you enjoyed this one so much!

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. It was hilarious. Such a fun way to not feel alone as a parent and get some laughs in!

  2. Hi Chrystal,

    It was great to have you stop by Fiction Books this week. I love 'meeting' new people and exchanging thoughts and comments about all aspects of life and reading.

    It seems as though we have met each other, just as you are about to be spending less time at your blog, but it will be good to have you stop by with updates every once in a while.

    I hope that all goes well for you in 7 weeks time and don't be too put off by reading this book. You will find your own coping mechanisms and there will definitely be more smiley than sad moments :)

    Good Luck,


    1. Yvonne,

      I'll be around from time to time as I figure out my new normal. :)

      This book was hilarious and just what I needed to read lately. A fun, comic look at life with kids. :)

      Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. I probably need to buy this book asap. My almost 3 year old can be quite the a-hole sometimes. :)

    1. Check Amazon Kindle. It was on sale recently. It's quite hilarious. And her Facebook page is awesome too.


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