Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Life Update/Semi-Hiatus

Those who have still been following my blog know that I am expecting my first child in about 8 weeks. This has slowed down my blogging substantially. I have still been reading (mostly listening to audio books), but haven't had the motivation to write any reviews/blog posts for the last little while. 

Baby S has been taking all of my energy and I have been sleeping as much as I can and getting things organized for her arrival, before my life changes dramatically. ;) My office had to move to make room for a baby room (you don't realize how many books you own until you have to move them all). I purged a ton of them by either donating, giving to friends or selling. I still have a ton on my TBR that I could not part with. I hope that I can read a bit here and there after she arrives. I'll just have to figure out when and how. 

I'm currently reading two books and have one audio book on the go. 

Bunmi Laditan's book Toddlers Are A**holes is hilarious. And I highly suggest checking out her facebook page. I will probably be writing a review on this one soon as I really am enjoying it. 

Undead and Unwary is a guilty pleasure of mine. I love the Undead series by MJD.

And yet another audio book of Kathy Riech's Temperance Brennan series. I love these books. I am finally catching up on all of the books I've missed in the series. I have another audio book of hers ready to go after I finish this one (which will probably be tomorrow). So far Bones Are Forever is a really great read - I love that it's based in Canada this time (most of her books are between Canada and US, but this one is all Canadian). I am enjoying the tidbits about real cases that have been added into this one (I have a lot of looking  things up to do after - I keep writing names and things down to learn more about). 

Anyway... I'm not disappearing all together. I'm just writing when I can and posting reviews, discussions etc when I get the chance. Hopefully after a few months I will get a schedule down so that I can write here and there more frequently while on maternity leave. 

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