Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Top Ten Of My Auto-Buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by the Broke and the Bookish

Who are you MUST BUY authors?


  1. So many awesome authors here! I'm a fan of Perkins, Rowell, and Summers too. I still need to read the new Snyder and check out a Lisa Kleypas book.

    1. I still need to read a lot of Snyder. I've only read that one series so far. I need to get my hands on the STUDY series... I'm dying to read it.

  2. I used to own all of the Kathy Reichs books up until a few years ago... I gave them all to my MIL as we were moving and I didn't have space for those and all of my Laurell K Hamilton (Anita Blake) series. I have the newest Reichs books though and a few are signed so I've kept the signed ones and I pass along the others to my MIL. :) My LKH I sold online and only have a few left to read to be caught up in the series, but I don't auto buy them anymore.

  3. Rainbow Rowell made my list, too. Love her stuff!


    1. Me too! Only a few books I need to read and then I've read them all!

  4. Lisa Kleypas writes such good romances!! Historical AND Contemporary. :D I can't wait to read her newest that came out and the one coming out in a few months.

    1. I need to finish the one series I started. I picked her book up at an airport and loved the book so much I read another from that series right away. I have a third in my TBR pile and need to pick up the fourth soon! She's such a great writer.

  5. I really love Stephanie Perkins's books -- I hope there's another on the way! J K Rowling and Rainbow Rowell always make me smile. Great list!

    1. I need to read Isla still, but love these companion books. I hope there are more to come too! And I've been on a Rainbow Rowell kick lately - only two more to read and I'm all caught up!


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