Thursday, May 28, 2015

ABEA 2015 - Visual Expressions

Armchair BEA

I haven't read many graphic novels or web comics, but I've read a few and this just might be a good time to give them another shot. 

The one I did enjoy the most was The Last Unicorn. The drawings were beautiful and the story was very close to the original book. 

I think the graphic novels I'd like to read are the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. I just started rewatching the TV series (I'm on season three). So it would be nice to read those right after finishing all the seasons of the show.

Another would be The Walking Dead. I enjoyed the first season of the TV show, so I think I'd enjoy the graphic novel version. I really need to start watching that show again too.

What graphic novels have you read or would like to read?

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