Saturday, June 9, 2012

Stacking The Shelves (5)

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews!

This week I'll be showing off my latest review books (all are ebooks). I actually received nothing in my mailbox the last few weeks, but I am totally okay with that. It will give me time to catch up on my reading pile.


 (please note that many of the titles below were limited time only and may not be free at this time)


  1. When you receive no books, that's a good thing! I know I'm excited when it happens to me because it gives me a chance to catch up! Book blogging can be overwhelming sometimes. It gives us a chance to read from our own shelves OR the library. And that's important too! Have a great week!

    1. Isn't that the truth. :) Have a great weekend Kara!

  2. Witch Song looks awesome! :) I have to check that one out!! :) Great haul, too!

    1. Poop, sorry, wrong link! :P

      Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  3. Hey i'm a new follower :).
    I don't know any of these books but the cover for The Rogue's Pawn is stunning!
    I hope you'll like these books. Happy reading !

    1. Most of the above books are self published and ebooks. :) Rogue's Pawn is pretty good so far.

  4. Great books! The cover for Witch Song is beautiful :)

    My Stacking the Shelves

  5. I haven't heard of these but i'll definitely look into them!

    Letterbox Love!

  6. I really like the covers for Scary School and Witch Song. Happy reading!

    My STS

    1. Thanks for stopping by - off to check out your mailbox. :)

  7. Awesome books this week!! I hope you enjoy them all :)

    Happy reading and check out what I got this week!!

  8. Awesome haul hun!!! Enjoy! Thank you for sharing and for stopping by my STS post!

  9. Awww! Great books!I havent read any of them...YET! I hope you enjoy them!
    Check out my
    Stacking the Shelves

  10. I really enjoyed Scary School and I love the cover for Witch's Song! Hope you enjoy all your books and happy reading! :)

    1. I am going to be reading Scary School really soon. Glad to hear you liked it. :)

  11. I look forward to reading Scary School. It seems like a cute fun read. I have not hear of the other books, but I think I will defintely check out The Mayfair Moon and Rogue's Pawn. Thank you for stopping by blog!! :)

  12. Don't you just love the new cover for The Mayfair Moon? I think it's stunning! Enjoy :D

    Shortskie's Shelf

    1. It is very pretty. I received an ebook version with the older cover to a blog tour that is coming up soon. So I was surprised when I went on Amazon and Goodreads and found a new cover. :) But pleasantly surprised.

  13. Rogue's Pawn does look really good - my stop on the tour isn't for a bit..

    Hope you're having an awesome weekend :)

  14. Yay for catching up on tbr piles. I feel like that's what I've been doing for the past month, and I haven't even made a dent in my pile. I believe I wanted to read Witch Song, so I'm definitely curious to hear what you think. Happy reading!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  15. Looks like you got a lot of fun books!

  16. Rogue's Pawn has such a pretty cover. I may just add it to my TBR list just for that. Also, I'm with you on the small haul. I really need to get through my review pile before adding more to it. It'll make me nervous which will then cause me to slow down. Basically, it'll do the opposite of getting me to work, ha ha. Thanks so much for passing my blog!

  17. I haven't heard of these so far (except for Witch Song, I also got the freebie). I agree with you; it's great to get new books, but sometimes you need a break to catch up.
    Happy reading and thank you for stopping by my blog.
    New follower :)

  18. Witch Song looks good and I still need to read The Mayfair Moon! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  19. I've heard of Scary School and Witch Song, but I haven't heard of the others. Wait - I see the person above me mentioned The Mayfair Moon - I've read that and I didn't even recognize it because that's a different cover than the one on my review copy! I enjoyed that story a lot! Hope you enjoy all these books, and thanks so much for stopping by my blog! ;)

  20. I like the misty look of Mayfair Moon--thanks for stopping by yesterday :)

  21. I really like the cover of Rogue's Pawn. Happy reading!

  22. Scary School was super cool! It's more of an intro kinda book, but it was really fun to read and my 8yo really enjoyed it too!
    Enjoy your new reads :)

  23. Great looking books! I love stories about unicorns and The Thirteenth Unicorn sounds really interesting.

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  24. The Thirteenth Unicorn... I've never heard of it before, but the cover and title intrigue me.

    Happy reading!


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