Thursday, May 28, 2015

ABEA 2015 - Social Media

Armchair BEA
Oh social media... how I never know what to do with you. Sometimes I am all over Facebook and Twitter and other times I am absent for a long stretch. 

When I first started blogging I made a point of being super active on them both (possibly even overkill), but as time went by and I fell into a few slumps I would disappear, only to reappear here and there. 

I think I need to find the right amount of activity. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter by following the links.

I did change how my posts auto post. At one point I had my blog posts auto posting to Facebook and then Twitter back to back. I think it was too much at one time, so I changed that. 

I guess this post will be more for gathering ideas on how to use social media to my advantage without becoming overwhelmed nor overdoing it. 

What platforms do you use the most? 
What is the best way to use them?

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