Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Where They Found Her by Kimberly McCreight | Review

Where They Found Her
Where They Found her by Kimberly McCreight
Published: April 14, 2015
Publisher: Harper
Pages: 336
Received: from publisher for honest review via TLC Book Tours
Find online: Amazon | Goodreads | IndieBound | B&N

An idyllic suburban town. A devastating discovery. Shocking revelations that will change three lives forever.

At the end of a long winter in well-to-do Ridgedale, New Jersey, the body of a newborn is found in the woods fringing the campus of the town's prestigious university. No one knows the identity of the baby, what ended her very short life, or how she wound up among the fallen leaves. But among the residents of Ridgedale, there is no shortage of opinions.

When freelance journalist, and recent Ridgedale transplant, Molly Anderson is unexpectedly called upon to cover the disturbing news for the Ridgedale Reader—the town's local paper—she has good reason to hesitate. A severe depression followed the loss of her own baby, and this assignment could unearth memories she has tried so hard to bury. But the history Molly uncovers is not her own. Her investigation unravels a decades-old trail of dark secrets hiding behind Ridgedale's white picket fences.

Told from the perspectives of three Ridgedale women, Kimberly McCreight's taut and profoundly moving novel unwinds the tangled truth behind the tragedy, revealing that these women have far more in common than they could have ever known. That the very worst crimes are committed against those we love. And that—sooner or later—the past catches up to all of us.

Plot Notes: 
There are times when I actually figure out a book so early on that I only keep reading to ensure that I am right. This book seriously surprised me in a good way. Halfway through the book I turned to my husband and said, "I figured out who did it, who left the baby under that bridge." And he laughed and said, "You might as well stop reading it then if you've figured it out already." But boy was I wrong. I was so far off it wasn't even funny. The author did such a great job of laying out a few possibilities and I picked a more obscure choice, but not once did I even think it could be the person it ended up being. And I love that in a book - the twist that shocks you so much that you need more. 

The story itself surrounds the finding of a baby's body under a bridge. Each narrator's story somehow clicks together like pieces of a puzzle - some are directly related to the baby and others are distantly connected through others.

The book progressed at such a great pace even with the different narrators and narration choices (interviews, newspaper articles and journal entries). The story encompasses a few story lines that intertwine in real life, in the investigation and through time. I thoroughly enjoyed this narration style and felt that it added to the suspense of the novel and the mystery of whodunnit.

And as the synopsis says: ...the very worst crimes are committed against those we love. And that—sooner or later—the past catches up to all of us.

Character Notes:  
Molly has recently regained her sense of self after dealing with the loss of her baby and depression. It's all she can do to keep working on the case in hopes that it will help her not fall back into despair over her own loss. Molly stumbles upon other secrets during her investigation and tries to start fitting the pieces together before accusations go wild.

Sandy searches for her out of control mother who is MIA. Sandy is a strong cookie, but she really needs her mother to start being a real mother instead of acting like an older sister. 

Barbara is the police chief's wife and a worried mother of two. She seems like the kind of overbearing mother who wants nothing but the best for her children, yet pushes them so much to be perfect that perhaps it is backfiring faster than she realizes.

Favourite Quotes: 
"And as much as (he) valued the clarity of my black and white , I'd been intoxicated by his world of grays." 

"Because you are the only person in this world who's going to take care of you. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be."

Other Books To Read By This Author:
Reconstructing Amelia (on my wishlist)

About the Author:
Kimberly McCreight lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two daughters. 


  1. I love it when a book surprises me in a good way. I'm glad this was that kind of book for you!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour!

    1. I need more books like this. I love the surprise.


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