Sunday, March 22, 2015

Reading on vacation...

Harry Potter - copyright Chrystal ScalesNow I See You - copyright Chrystal Scales
Dominican library - copyright Chrystal ScalesSearching For Perfect - copyright Chrystal Scales

Thanks to everyone who made suggestions for books to bring on my trip, I took four books and bought two while there (one for the last day and one for the plane ride that I haven't finished yet).

I also found a little library at the resort. It had books in all kinds of languages. At least I know that I could grab more books there if I ran out. Loved this idea, wonder how many other resorts have libraries?

books read while on vacation March 2014
The five books read on my trip.

Maria the monkey - Dominican trip - copyright Chrystal ScalesCoochy the parrott - Dominican trip - copyright Chrystal Scales
Maria the spider monkey and Coochy the parrot.
Only missed meeting Charlie the iguana.

Mostly we just lounged around the pool at the rest which is how I was able to read so much on this vacation and I went sea shell hunting on the beach a few afternoons (I collect them from each place I go and display them in my living room). And we went on a city tour of Puerto Plata. It included a tour of the Brugal Rum Factory, a tour of City Centre, the Catedral San Felipe Apostal, a jewelery shop (where I bought an awesome amber and larimar ring), a cigar shop that let you make cigars, an amber museum, Fort San Felipe and a cable car tour to the top of Mt. Isabel de Torres.

Catedral San Felipe Apostal - Dominican - copyright Chrystal ScalesCity Centre - Dominican - copyright Chrystal ScalesFort San Felipe - Dominican - copyright Chrystal Scales
Cable Car to Mt. Isabel de Torres - Dominican - copyright Chrystal ScalesMt. Isabel de Torres - Dominican - copyright Chrystal ScalesGrand Bahia Principe San Juan - Dominican - copyright Chrystal Scales

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