Tuesday, July 9, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 2

A big thanks to April from Good Books Good Wine for hosting. Check it out here.

Day 2: What's Your Bedtime Reading Ritual?

I don't really have a bedtime reading ritual. I read wherever and whenever. But when I do read at night before bed it's usually an ebook on either my Sony Pocket Reader with the light on (hubby can sleep even if I have the light on) or on my tablet in the dark when I'm feeling the need for less light. I only read on my ereader when I'm really awake, because I have a tendency to fall asleep reading if I'm all snuggled in bed. A paperback I don't mind falling asleep with, because if it hits the floor not much can happen, but dropping my ereader scares the crap out of me. 

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