Monday, July 8, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 1

I have been stumbling upon this challenge all over the place and thought that it sounded fun. So thanks to April from Good Books Good Wine for hosting. Check it out here.

Day 1: Make 15 book-related confessions.

1. I seem to have too many books going at the same time. I honestly think this is the one place in my life that I have ADD. I have two ebooks, two paperbacks, an audiobook and two books delivered by dailylit in my inbox. No wonder it takes me forever to finish anything.

2. I'm a cover whore. I'm drawn to beautiful covers, bright colours, interesting fonts. 

3. I have a hard time DNFing a book. I have always struggled through a book no matter what. Sometimes I still push myself to finish books anyway, but there are finally instances where I just give in and DNF. 

4. I don't like when a series of books changes formats - for instance the size of the paperback. I have most of the Wondrous Strange series by Lesley Livingston, but haven't brought myself to buy the final book because the paperback copy that has the matching cover is shorter than the ones I already own signed copies of. I seriously hate this. OR when a series has a cover redesign part way through me collecting them all - think Anita Blake Series by Laurell K Hamilton (it's had multiple facelifts).  

5. I almost always love the book more than the movie adaptation.

6. I have to read the book before the movie.  I love imagining the characters for myself, but if I see the movie first all I can picture is the actor from the movie. Can't stand it. 

7. I have a hard time lending out books. There are really only two people I am most comfortable lending too... my BFF and my sister. 

8. I have a thing about giving books as gifts. I feel like I am slowing turning my family and friends into readers whether they want to be or not. 

9. My guilty pleasure is reading a good historical romance (the ones with the naughty bits in them). I adore Bertrice Small (my Mom introduced her books to my sister and I and we devour them).

10. I once owned all of Bertrice Small's book (though many I had not read yet), but with limited space when moving once, I gave most of them away. I kept the ones I adored, gave some to my sister and sold the rest. I absolutely regret this. I want them back. 

11. Sometimes my mood can alter how I feel about a book. I worry it will make me DNF too many books. So many times I just stop reading it and start something else. Perhaps that's the reason for confession #1.

12. I have a hard time lately writing reviews. I have dozens that need reviews written. I need a better system. 

13. My Mom introduced me to Twilight and Harry Potter. And my overall love of reading. 

14. I'm trying to get back into reading an eclectic mix of books. For a long time I've only been focused on YA and I miss the mix that I used to read years ago. I'm loving the variety I've been reading lately. I feel happy again.

15. I have a handful of books on my shelves that I still need to read and review that have been there a long time. I get distracted easily with new books that come my way and forget the ones already there. I swear it's the book ADD getting me. 


  1. Man, we are so alike! There are probably 4 from your list that I can't say are true for me.

    1. That's awesome! :) Always love meeting people who have same tastes and thoughts as me.

  2. I always read the book before watching the movie, too. The movie adaptation was what finally pushed me to read The Help. I knew heavy promos would start soon and I hadn't yet heard who was in the movie so I was able to read it before hearing about the casting choices. I've read some of Small's books too! None of the historical ones but I read the Channel series. Steamy stuff! I also used to give books as gifts all the time when I was still working at Coles. Everyone was sure to get books at Christmas!

    1. Sounds like we have a few things in common, bookwise. :) I have never read the Channel series, but have heard great things.

      I still need to read The Help, but since I didn't pay attention to the promo of the movie, I should be able to read it without picturing a predetermined cast. :)

  3. Your mom sounds awesome -- introducing you to some great series.

    How sad to have to get rid of so many beloved books because of moving - I definitely do feel your pain with that though, as I have had to get rid of so many books as well.

    1. My Mom was an awesome person and she was always reading. I miss her so much and sharing good books.


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