Thursday, March 7, 2013

Personal Reading Challenge: March 2013

This is my Personal Reading Challenge where I have vowed to read for my own pleasure. I plan to read one YA title, one Classic, one Fiction, one Non-Fiction, one book from the 1001 Book To Read Before You Die list, and listen one audiobook each month. At the start of each month I will post my choices for each category and link up to the reviews for each as I go. This will help me get through my large TBR pile, allow me to be accountable somewhere and keep me on target. Even though I am behind on this goal... I will still be reading all of the books I've listed each month. I had hoped to read them within the month I picked them, but life got in the way. My new goal is to read them all by year end, but to still make a monthly goal with new books added.

So here are March's picks!

YA - The Watcher by Lisa Voisin  REVIEW
Classic - The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
Fiction - The House Girl by Tara Conklin
Non-Fiction -Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched The World by Vicki Myron
1001 - Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner (hubby randomly picked #622 on the list for me)
Audiobook -  Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Previous Months:


  1. Love the selection. Enjoy!

    Anna @

  2. Good challenge. I never seem to be able to complete them and end up taking a different reading path.

    1. I have no idea if I will get this one done. I am already really behind because of my recent move and some other issues. But I figure as long as I can read these books by the end of the year it doesn't matter if I finish them in the allotted month anymore. ;)

  3. The Dewey book sounds cute, I've seen it on other blogs every now and then, I may have to take a look at it!

    1. I've heard mixed things on Dewey, but my BFF picked this up for me and I love cats so I figure I'll probably like it. :) It's been on my wishlist for a while.


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