Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm back!

Just got my internet hooked up today. I am so freaking excited. Now I can get back to blogging. Funny thing is I have enjoyed this hiatus, so I think it's made me realize that I spent WAY too much time online. So I have a feeling that I will start using my online time a little more wisely from now on.

I will be working on a few posts to get up ASAP, because I have so much to catch up on. I also have quite a few reviews that I need to post. While on my blogging hiatus, I also took a bit of a reading hiatus. I have enjoyed the ability to spend my time getting my new routine down - we moved outside of the city so travel time work and back is much longer. 

Well enjoy your day and pop back later tonight to see a post or two.


  1. So glad you are back and that you have now realized that you need more balance. Hope it all works out well! I got to try to cut back on my online time too!

  2. Aww thanks! I'm happy to be back, but I know I won't be spending the same amount of time online like I used to.

  3. Yay, you're back! :-)
    I think we all need a break once in awhile, even if it's sort of a 'forced' break like not having internet! It's great to see you back though.

    1. I'm actually finding it weird to be back on the net. LOL


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