Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Romance Week: Guest Post with Ada Adams!

For those looking for Adult Romance posts for Romance Week - hop on over to Aislynn's blog - she has author Amanda Usen with an guest post and giveaway!

Today one of my favourite Canadian YA authors, Ada Adams, is stopping by with a fun guest post about romantic movies! Thanks Ada for writing about these wonderful movies!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I watched this film a very long time ago, but it’s one of those stories that stayed with me forever. The concept behind it is so unique, but also very heartbreaking. Amazing acting and a great story! I think this is, by far, one of my favorite movies!
The Notebook
Kissing in the rain has never been the same since I saw The Notebook! I went through an entire box of tissues while watching this, especially when it came to the “present time” scenes and the ending. Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling earned their way into everyone’s hearts with their wonderful acting skills in this one!
I think what makes the film great (aside from the cinematography, acting, etc.) is the fact that it’s based on a true and very tragic event. Of course, Rose and Jack are fictional characters, but it’s easy to imagine them as having been on that voyage in real life. Star-crossed lovers, beautiful setting, horrible tragedy…my kind of movie!
Love Actually
The movie that started the popular trend of celebrity-filled ensemble casts falling in love with each other. To date, I don’t think that any other film of such sort compares to this one!
Moulin Rouge
Dancing, singing, crying…Yup – sign me up!
Snow Falling on Cedar’s
I think I liked the book better than the movie, but this was another film with a really moving plot – a story of star-crossed lovers and heartbreak. Wow, anyone notice a pattern with me?
Midnight in Paris
I went into this movie not really knowing what to expect, but the cinematography alone made me fall in love with Paris. The storyline was also very different from most films I’ve seen recently. I really enjoyed that it focused on love gone awry. Paris in the 1920’s was so chic and sexy!
Go hug the love of your life – right now!

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
I can watch this movie over and over again! It’s such a cute, lighthearted story.
The Proposal
This one is another movie that I can re-watch and not get bored. Some really funny moments and a great cast.
Neither of the above makes some grand statement on love and relationships, but they’re both perfect for when you’re looking for a good, easy story and lots of laughs.

I know, I know! It’s a classic! I’ve watched many scenes from it, but somehow never saw the full film.
A Walk to Remember
When it first came out, all of the girls at school went to see it as a group. I heard what the plot was about and just couldn’t bring myself to bawl in the theater. Ever since then, I’ve been putting it off.
Blue Valentine
Another one that I’ve been avoiding. You know what…after finishing this post, I’ll see if it’s on Netflix.
Before Sunrise/Before Sunset
Everyone I know raves about these movies!

What are some of your favorite romantic films? I’d love to know! I’m sure I missed a lot that I love and you’ll remind me of them, or else I’ll get some new recommendations! :)

The next book I’m currently working on is a Contemporary Romance, so this was a great topic to address.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Ada Adams has written the most amazing YA vampire series yet. It is filled with action, adventure and romance! If you haven't already you should totally check out ReVamped and I am in the middle of reading it's sequel ReAwakened and cannot wait for more already!

About the author:
 "Many people sing in the shower. I, on the other hand, write scenes in my head and act them out."

At age five, Ada read her first chapter book - Pippi Longstocking. Ever since that moment, she developed an intense passion for the stories and characters found within the pages of literature.

In her career as an actress and a writer, Ada currently spends most of her days immersed in imaginary worlds. Much like the characters she enjoys playing and writing about, Ada is a martial artist with a Black Belt in Shotokan Karate. She is also a big proponent of lifelong learning, and has attained Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (it aids in creating characters with unique quirks!) as well as a Master's of Science in Education.

Ada strives to bring a fresh voice and perspective to fiction. She has been writing creatively for many years. "ReVamped" is her debut novel.

She lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys adventurous nature hikes with her adorable puppies Cara and Oreo.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


  1. Oh i read the first book but didn't know that the sequel is out already... Will look for it in the book store!

  2. you must watch a walk to remember, love this movie, serependity, sophaholic, enchanted, chasing liberty, all of my fave movie :)

  3. I LOVE Eternal Sunshine, Titanic (own), Moulin Rouge (own), and How to Lose a Guy (own). Great movie choices!

    Twin love! <33

    Ada's book twin,

  4. NO... you have not seen Casablanca yet? Goshers... you have gotta go and get it today!

  5. Great picks. Loved The Notebook and I also need to watch Blue Valentine.


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