Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Roamnce Week: Interview with Stephanie Keyes

For those looking for Adult Romance posts for Romance Week - hop on over to Aislynn's blog - she has author Elise Rome with an interview and giveaway!

Today YA author Stephanie Keyes is here to tell us more about herself and her new series, The Star Child Series that is being released by Inkspell Publishing.

1) The Star Child has a very interesting premise - how did you come up with this romantic paranormal story based on a prophecy involving the Celtic underworld?

Thank you! I've always had an interest in Irish folklore. I had a very vivid imagination and a Gran that liked to tell stories. One night, I just looked up at the stars and though "star child".

The Star Child in the book is actually the character Calienta. I began to wonder who she was… What was her story? Where would she come from? Since I had an interest in all things Celtic already, it was a natural progression to go in that direction.

Also, I decided that I wanted to write from a male perspective because I think there's nothing more romantic that a true gentleman. That’s the character that I wanted Kellen St. James to be.  It was important to me to write the story the way that I would tell it, say if you and I sat down and had a cup of coffee together. So Kellen's voice is generally how I would speak. For example, I'm very direct, so Kellen and I share that trait in terms of how we communicate. From there, the story fell into place.

2) What came first - the title or the story?

The title. It's always the title first for me.

3) Describe The Star Child in 140 characters (tweet-style).

A love-starved genius and a Celtic goddess race through time to keep the world from being cloaked in darkness. #romance #fantasy #magick #YA

4) If your book had a theme song, what would it be?

Let me just say that I absolutely LOVE this question! Did you pick this for me? The song that embodies The Star Child for me is "Into the Fire" by Thirteen Senses.

5) If you could choose one character from your book to spend time with - who would you choose and why?

Kellen. Ah, Kellen. He's such a good guy and he really needs a hug! That aside he's a writer and a book geek (like me) so I think we would have a lot in common. We could split a Snicker's bar (he's too young for wine) and talk books. 

6) What is your all time favourite Valentine's Day memory?

Mmmh. I think that would have to be about fourteen years ago. My husband and I were still dating and I'd come over to his parent's house for Valentines day. I walked in the door and he began a dance routine to Tom Jones' "It's Not Unusual". If I'm being honest, I'm not a fan of the song and my husband could never be in a dance crew. *smiles* However, the whole experience was really sweet. When he'd finished he gave me heart shaped earrings with my birthstone. I still wear them all the time. It's my favorite gift because of the romance surrounding the, I think. Eleven years and two kids later, he is still my best friend.

About the author:
Stephanie Keyes has been addicted to Fantasy since she discovered T.H. White as a child and started drumming up incredible journeys in her head. Today, she’s still doing the same thing, except now she gets to share those ideas with readers! When she’s not writing, Stephanie is also a graphic designer, international speaker, teacher, musician, avid reader, and Mom to two little boys who constantly keep her on her toes. In addition, she’s best friend to her incredible husband of eleven years. Mrs. Keyes holds an undergraduate degree in business from Robert Morris University and a M.Ed. from Duquesne University. She is a member of the Society For Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), as well as a featured author in the global group of writers, Love a Happy Keyes is the author of the YA Fantasy series, The Star Child, which currently includes The Star Child (already available) and The Fallen Stars (April 12, 2013). She is currently hard at work on the third book in the trilogy, The Star Catcher.


  1. Thanks very much for hosting me here on Romance Week, Chrystal!

  2. Wow.. I see the cover of the fallen star and then checking BD :D

    What a great story about your valentine day :_

    1. Thanks very much Eli! I'm so pleased that you enjoyed my story and loved The Fallen Stars cover. It makes me smile every time I see it. :-)

  3. Kellen is a really interesting character, as is Calienta. Great interview. Good luck with Fallen Stars

    1. Thanks so much, Sue! I really appreciate the good wishes. :-)

  4. Ooh, can I come and spend some time with Kellen, too? :-) Loved The Star Child, can't WAIT for number 2 and huge congrats on being here on this lovely blog today. You rock, Steph! X

    1. Oh Nicky, isn't Kellen just a sweetie? I'm so glad that you enjoyed his story. Book two is one the way!

  5. Hope you have a romantic Valentine's Day this year as well Stephanie! Great to find another cool blog!

    1. Thanks Emma! There has been whispering among the male population in this house so somethings's afoot! Thanks very much! Agreed, I love this blog!

  6. Lovely interview - I loved your romantic valentine moment Stephanie!

    1. Thanks Janice! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :-)

  7. Happy Valentine's day. Sounds like a great book! :)

    1. Thanks so much, May! Happy Valentine's Day to you. I appreciate your dropping by. :-)

  8. Aww, come here, Kellen. I'll give you a hug! Love it! Happy Valentine's, Steph! :) xx

    1. Ha! You may not want to hug him as much in the next book, I don't know! Thanks for dropping by Sheryl. :-)

  9. Lovely post, and what a gorgeous romantic gesture by your man. No wonder you married him, Steph. :)

    1. Thanks very much, Kit! Yeah, he's a sweetie alright. :)

  10. Happy Valentines Day to all you lovely ladies for tomorrow . xx

  11. I enjoyed the into to a new to me author and the book looks lovely.

    1. Thanks very much for stopping by, Lavender! I've very excited about this upcoming launch. :)


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