Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Personal Reading Challenge: January 2013

This is the first post for my Personal Reading Challenge where I have vowed to read for my own pleasure. I plan to read one YA title, one Classic, one Fiction, one Non-Fiction, one book from the 1001 Book To Read Before You Die list, and listen one audiobook each month. At the start of each month I will post my choices for each category and link up to the reviews for each as I go. This will help me get through my large TBR pile, allow me to be accountable somewhere and keep me on target. 

So here are January's picks!

YA - The Pledge by Kimberly Derting 
Classic - Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Fiction - The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling
Non-Fiction - The Frugalista Files by Natalie MacNeal
1001 - Breakfast At Tiffany's by Truman Capote
Audiobook - We Bought A Zoo by Benjamin Mee

I'm eager to get started on these books and also making my list for February!


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