Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Resolutions

This is the third attempt at figuring out what I want to do in 2013, but I think I finally have it down.

1) Read what I want. In 2102, I signed up for way too many blog tours and found that I had to push myself to get through all of the books as promised. It made my reading time less enjoyable and sometimes I think I would have enjoyed a book more if it were on my own time and not rushed. Oh well,  we can only learn and grow from our mistakes. So this coming year I will only be signing up for book tours that I am dying to read and catching up on my massive TBR pile that is overtaking my apartment. I'm also a mood reader, so sometimes the blog tour books just weren't what I needed right then - hard to balance when you've agreed to post a review on a certain date.

2) Challenges:
*Participate in the Goodreads Challenge (100 books in one year) again.

Other than that I don't think I'm signing up for any challenges. I have plans for myself that I will outline below. Something for me to fit in all the types of books that I want to read. The last year my blog was YA heavy, but my bookish interests are very diverse and I'd like that to show on my blog in the new year. So read below for my inspiration for my new goals.

EDIT: Here is a link to the challenges I did decide to sing up for. They either correspond with my goal or catching up or are based on books I really couldn't pass up reading. 

3) Events:
*I will be co-hosting two events again this year - Romance Week and Canada Day Hop with some of my blogging friends - so keep an eye open for these events. I might even create an event or two of my own for further in the year.
*Attend more bookish events throughout the when possible - it was great meeting so many bloggers/authors near the end of 2012 and it would have been even more amazing if I had the chance to attend many of the other events throughout the year. :)

*1001 Books To Read Before You Die - read a handful of books from the 1001 list. (I have a spreadsheet I downloaded years ago for the 1001 Books that I have been trying to keep updated, but I haven't really read any from the list in a while).
*Classics - read more classics, there are so many great books out there that I feel I have missed out on.
*Audiobooks - I'm hoping to get into audiobooks a lot more this year - both to help during workouts, walking and the long drive to visit family. I love that my local library has audiobook downloads available on their website or I can borrow the CD versions too. I'll either be using my ipod shuffle or the new CD Walkman that I'm planning to buy for this very reason. (I know I said CD Walkman - so old school right?) 
*Monthly Wrap Up Posts - I realize now that I love reading other bloggers wrap up posts and at one time I actually was writing them, but stopped. I want to include this type of post in my rotation again. I find them helpful on other blogs.
*Discussion Posts - I love reading discussion posts or articles that other bloggers have written and I'd like to be able to put my thoughts out there on topics, so I will either by creating my own or replying to others more this year.   

5) Writing:
*Actually try adding more to my zombie short story that I started as a guest post over at vvb32 reads.
*Attempt NaNoWriMo in November (I missed out on it yet again in 2012 due to my health and work related changes).
*Read books that will help me with my writing - I have a few on my shelf already that I've never even cracked open.

Okay - the BIG resolution is as follows:

I am going to make it my personal goal to read the following each month:
-one YA book
-one fiction book
-one book from the classics
-one book from the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die list
-one audiobook (of any genre)
This should be a good mix to cover my interests and keep things fresh (some will obviously cross-over in the six categories I've chosen and I'm okay with that). This is also why I am not singing up for many challenges this year. I'm giving myself a personal goal. ;) And I also plan to keep track of this monthly in my wrap up posts. I might even write myself lists for each month so that I have something to follow and hold myself accountable with. We'll see how that goes.
I'm sure this entire list is still going to be overwhelming, but at least I have somewhere to start and can make changes accordingly. 

What are your Bookish New Year's Resolutions for 2013?


  1. I like the idea of your personal goals. Types of books to read eacy month. I might think about doing something like that.

    1. Thanks Annette! It took me a long time to put that together, but I am really happy with it. :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  2. I've found that as a book blogger it's important to learn how to say no. Like you, I always seem to enroll in too many tours and challenges and as a result, end up reading for others instead of myself. It's important that reading remain fun.

    I think your personal reading challenge is a great idea and will definitely help you achieve your goals easier. I got into audiobooks in 2012 and they are a great timesaver plus, they make chores/exercising/football games way more fun. LOL

    Good luck with your resolutions; I hope 2013 will be good to you!

    1. Ya 2013 is the year of NO for me. ;) And audio books are now my best friend - I swear they make car rides more enjoyable (especially since the drive to my parents is like 5-6 hours each way).


  3. That looks like a great list! Good luck with it :) I hear you on reading what you want. I'm going to try to do the same thing!

    1. Hi Kaley! I'm all about getting through the books already on my shelves and only adding books that I am dying to read. :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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