Friday, January 11, 2013

Deserted Island with Oh, Chrys!

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams  of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five  other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a  deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some  are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see  what your favourite authors and bloggers would pick. Click here if you would like to participate.

Oh, Chrys!
Christine from Oh, Chrys! is here today with her bookish picks and survival items. "Chrys" is one of my newly made bookish friends. We found each others blogs the same week and we were paired up for an ornament exchange this Christmas (I still need to send her my ornament, but she has been wonderful in understanding the delay). I hope you enjoy her post as much as I did and I hope you will go check out her blog! 

Five book choices:

1) The Napping House by Audrey Wood - This is the book that hooked me on reading as a child. Its intricate illustrations always captivated me, but it was the plot's repetitive pattern that really got me excited. I still have my copy that is filled with glued glitters from doing an art project on it.

2) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling  - Harry Potter is a series that will always be dear to my heart. I would love to take the whole series to keep me company, but for the sake of variance, I'd choose one. I would prefer this sixth installment because it gives readers more information on my favorite character, Professor Snape. I loved the twists!

3) Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare - I would die on that island without the mastery of the Bard to keep me company. This play is so funny, and the witty characters, Benedick and Beatrice always make me chuckle. I also loved the how the theme of appearance versus reality was such an integral part of this work.

4Game of Thrones by George RR Martin - It is such a pity that I did not read this earlier. The world of the Seven Kingdoms is certainly one that enthralls me. At least I would have some imaginary solace by emerging myself in a world of betrayal, lust, and most importantly, a host of characters to keep me company. 

5) The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett - I love historical novels, and this one really had me praying for more at the end. It is a pretty big book, and will take a while for me to read before I am rescued (if I ever am). I especially love the era (The Middle Ages).

Five items:
1) iPhone (with solar-powered charger) - Maybe I won't be able to make calls, but at least I could listen to Coldplay and play Monopoly and Angry Birds. Also, the glare from its metal edges can work as distress signals. 

2) Machete - I need this for protection and hunting. I hope this island has coconuts that I can hack open. Coming from Belize, coconut water and its jelly content are must-haves.

3) Matches - I am terrified of the dark, so I would need a bonfire for comfort and warmth. Perhaps, I can roast some animals too.

4) Bug Repellant - Last thing I want to happen is to get malaria while suffering from malnutrition, psychotic episodes, depression and dehydration.

5) Tent - I need some sort of barrier from harsh weather and wild animals. I am a big scaredy-cat, so even the thinnest canvas barrier would make me feel safer.

These were so fun to answer, Chrystal! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Where to find Christine: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest


  1. Whoohooo! It's such an honor to be featured here, Chrys! Thanks so much for all your support! :D I had a fun time answering these!

  2. Such a nice post!.. Loved getting to know more about you Christine!

    1. Thanks for taking time out to read it, Naz! :D

  3. Oh, good book choices!! I love that you included a childhood favorite. I feel like it would be comforting in a situation like this, haha. Great post, Chrystal & Christine <3


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