Thursday, January 10, 2013

GUEST POST, READ A LONG, & GIVEAWAY: Gilded Wings by Amy Lingor


“It’s this way, miss.”

Turning around, Anya stared at the belligerent butler standing at the top of a large staircase. “I thought we came through here,” Anya remarked, pointing at the small door.

“You are to use the regular entrance and staircase,” the butler said, sniffing the air. His eyes assessed her as if she was still dressed in her steamship garments instead of the lovely apparel that now clung to her figure. “Mr. Carrow’s orders.”

Anya stared at the stuffy man who eyed her like a stray dog, reminding her that she did not belong.

Remaining silent, she followed him to a grand staircase that swept down to the first floor of the home. Her worn boot heels clicked on the polished marble steps, as she held on tightly to the brass handrail, trying not to tremble. Passing the ornate entrance that led to the street, Brighton stopped outside a set of double doors. Pushing them open on their well-oiled runners, the hiss of metal against wood announced her entrance into the room.

Anya stared at the three men who dropped their forks down on the expensive china and quickly stood from their chairs.

She stepped back, startled. “I’m sorry.”

Gilded Wings 
ISBN: 9780985792220
ISBN: 9781301335541
Pages: 275
Release: November 1, 2012
The Beloved Angel-Warrior Team from Until Next Time Returns!

When Matt and Emily are sent on their second mission they have no idea how truly dark human nature can become...

Emily never wanted to face humans again. With the heartache that went on down below, she’s still trying to figure out how to save souls that don’t deserve saving. The only one she wants to see again is Jason - the young man she fell in love with who became the soulmate she simply can’t forget...

Matt was trained to protect and defend the souls down below. Longing to feel the heartfelt emotions that come from being human, Matt wants nothing more than to have just one life - one chance - to live and love the girl of his dreams...

The powerful team find themselves in a brand new century, living in the Gilded Age of New York City. Emily takes over the body of Anya, a young Russian girl who arrives on Ellis Island after a hideous tragedy. There she meets up with a strangely familiar young man by the name of Drew Parrish, who helps Anya survive in an unknown world of luxury, snobbery and…obsession.

What Anya’s inner angel doesn’t know is that the soul she loves is also back. This time around Jason goes by the name of Max Carrow. Once a quiet and kind boy, he’s now part of the ‘Four Hundred Club,’ and wants nothing more than to be among the most admired as he climbs the shaky ladder of society’s elite.

As two worlds merge, Emily and Matt struggle under the weight of their “Gilded Wings.” Not only will they have to figure out who they should fight to save, but they must also face a romantic choice that could destroy them both.

Gilded Wings Twitter hashtag: #GildedWings Gilded Wings Goodreads

Gilded Wings: The Angel Chronicles, Book 2 buy links:
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Nook | iBookstore | Smashwords | PDF

Choosing a Theme Song For Your Favorite Characters

There are so many choices that a writer has to make. From the very beginning with plot, location, characters, names, time periods, etcetera - the choices for the actual material come first.

Then…you head into the realm of editors. Who is the best one who will love your manuscript as much as you do? Then, we have agents…although, that’s kind of a choice they make and not the writer. And then, you head into publishing. Indie? Small press? EBook? Self? Again, a great many choices to be made.

But there are a lot of choices that writers make inside their own heads that no one knows about. Most writers would all like to see their work onscreen one day and become half as big as the vamp versus werewolf ‘event’ of the 2000’s. When it comes to theme songs, you always think about what would truly suit your characters. You want that theme to become so well-known that readers, movie-goers, the public, in general - will think of nothing besides your characters when they hear that music come on the radio.

Celine Dion’s, “My Heart Will Go On,” will always and forever bring Leo and Kate to mind. We will see the Titanic take the chunk of ice off that berg and we will remember that Leo is far beneath the freezing-cold surface just waiting for his true love to return.

For 1980’s movie fans, “The Time of My Life” from Dirty Dancing will always bring forth the image of Patrick Swayze (God rest his fabulous soul) lifting ‘Baby’ in his arms and proving that love can work no matter what background you’re from.

My favorite, The Righteous Brothers’ “Unchained Melody” has appeared in many places, but where romance is concerned it will always be Mr. Swayze, once again, holding Demi Moore as they make pottery look beyond thrilling in Ghost.

“Endless Love” is still a crowd pleaser; and “Have You Really Ever Loved a Woman?” was perfect for Depp’s, Don Juan.

My personal favorite is, “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel. I will forever remember John Cusack holding up that boom box outside her window in Say Anything and having that stunning song echo through the quiet neighborhood.

There are so many options to choose from when you’re thinking about what it would be like to see your characters on the screen falling in love to a song that will never be equaled. Your fans will cry, laugh, and more as they travel beside the people who came from the depths of your own mind. And, like the cover of a book, the theme music becomes a source of popularity. That song, that cover - those are a part of popular culture.

So…what would Emily and Matthew be known for? Is there a song out there that fits this strange friendship/soul mate/possible romance…or is the perfect song yet to be written that brings forth all the work, anger, love and mystery that the angel/warrior team have in their many lives?

One of the most poignant songs I’ve heard over time was sung by Michael Buble. He, of course, has that romantic tone anyway no matter what he sings; even if he’s “Walking in Memphis” because of his love for Elvis. But with, “Haven’t Met You Yet,” it’s almost a song made for Emily and Matthew - in a completely ironic way. They’ve known each other forever, yet when they are doing their work - they meet up as totally different individuals each and every time. They must wait and see, along with the reader, if the real Emily and Matthew will appear, so this song is actually very poignant for their relationship.

Yes, this is all a fantasy. But remember, the fun part of being a writer and having those characters grow inside you mind each and every day, is the fact that there’s always hope they will be end up on the big or small screen where everyone can enjoy what you have for so long. And any recommendations readers have for Emily and Matthew’s theme - I’d be thrilled to hear them!

Until Next Time, Everybody,


Amy Lignor's Bio:
Amy Lignor began her career at Grey House Publishing in northwest Connecticut where she was the Editor-in-Chief of numerous educational and business directories.

Now she is a published author of several works of fiction. The Billy the Kid historical The Heart of a Legend; the thriller, Mind Made; and the adventure novel, Tallent & Lowery 13.

She is also the owner of The Write Companion, a company that offers help and support to writers through a full range of editorial services from proofreading and copyediting to ghostwriting and research. As the daughter of a research librarian, she is also an active book reviewer.

Currently, she lives with her daughter, mother and a rambunctious German Shepherd named Reuben, in the beautiful state of New Mexico.

Amy Lignor's Facebook | Twitter | Website | Blog | Goodreads 

Until Next Time
How does a girl choose between the one who steals her heart and the one who owns her soul?
Matt and Emily were created for a specific job. Raised and trained as the ultimate angel/warrior team, they are sent down to save, defend, judge and forgive, depending on the 'life' they've been assigned. What they don't realize is that the power of human emotions, such as love, anger, passion and fear can take over even the best of souls, causing them to make mistakes and follow paths that lead to confusion and heartache.

When the reason for their training is finally revealed, the angel/warrior team find themselves thrust into a world they know nothing about. Matt takes over the life of Daniel, a young man with a great deal of baggage. Emily becomes Liz, a girl living in a remote village who relies on nothing more than her own strength to survive. A violent storm erupts one night, and framed in the window of Liz's establishment is a frightening face. Let in by the soul of a Good Samaritan, the two visitors bring with them a past full of secrets that could literally change an angel's path and a warrior's plans.

From murder to redemption, this angel/warrior team must find a way to keep the faith they have in each other in a world that's ripping them apart. 
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The Angel Chronicles Website | Facebook
Until Next Time: The Angel Chronicles, Book 1 buy links:
Kindle | Nook | iBookstore | Smashwords | PDF  
Tribute Books Website | Facebook | Twitter 

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  1. Chrystal, thanks so much for being a part of the tour. Thanks for helping us spread the word about "The Angel Chronicles" series to all the YA fans out there. We appreciate your support :)

  2. Hey Crystal. I wanted to stop by and say a big thank you for having Emily & Matt on your incredible site! I hope you and your readers like their seond adventure and I hope you have a GREAT 2013!!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :) I hope you have a great 2013 too!


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