Sunday, September 2, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (15)

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews!

Here is what I received this week. What did you get?



Simon & Schuster Canada sent me an ARC of Envy recently, so I thought I'd pick up the first when I saw it at Costco for $6.99 in paperback.

And I finally jumped on the band wagon to see what all the hype is about for EL James' books.


Borrowed both of these in audiobook format


  1. Love the cover for Fury.
    Happy reading.

    1. I love the redone cover too. :) Can't wait to finally start this series. I received an ARC for Envy, so was really excited to see this one for under $7 @ Costco the other day. :) And the covers match!

  2. i've been deader looks creepy . enjoy all

    1. It sounds creepy too. Lots of zombie books this week for me. :)

  3. Dearly Departed was awesome. you will enjoy that book. I did.


    1. This is one I am looking forward to the most. :)

  4. I liked Dearly, Departed. I have managed to resist jumping on the bandwagon with the 50 Shades least, so far. I hope you enjoy all your new books. Here is what I got this week at Inside of a Dog and at Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

    1. I'm pretty excited for Dearly, Departed and 50 Shades, not so sure about yet. Not sure I will get past book one, but I can always pass it along to my sister after.

  5. OOh, Fury was intense! I really want to get my hands on Envy. And maybe I should try the audio of Dearly Departed. Hope you enjoy them all!

    Tara @ Hobbitsies

  6. Zombies Vs. Unicorns has been on my shelf forever. Maybe I should get to it soon! :P I also can't wait to read Dearly, Departed. I hope you enjoy!

    1. Hi Chey! Both have been on my wishlist for a while now and when i saw the audiobook for Dearly, Departed I put a hold on it at the library. The day I picked it up I also noticed Zombies vs. Unicorns audiobook and snatched it right up. :) Hope you enjoy them both when you get to them too!

  7. Hi! I wanted to stop over here to check out your haul; it looks like you got some good ones! What caught my eye, though, was that the post above this had a "You might also like" that showed your review of Kathy Reich's 206 Bones. I have only read the first book, but I already love the series! It's nice to see somebody else who is a fan. ^_^

    1. Hi Jessica! Thanks for stopping by. I love Kathy Reich's books. I haven't read them all, but I have most of them sitting on my shelves. You can read them in order to understand the relationships better, but I find that she gives enough back story at the start of each one that it's not always necessary. And I love the TV show too, but it's not quite the same as the books... the character BONES (aka Temperance Brennan) in the show is based on the character in the book and visa versa (the character in the books that Tempe writes in the show has a character named Kathy Reichs. :) And Booth from the show is nothing like Ryan from the book. Confused much?!? But both are or so amazing! I hope you enjoy the books... I'm hoping to review more of them on my blog in 2013. :)

  8. Dearly,Departed is awesome! I just finished the second book Dearly, Beloved and it is even better! hope you enjoy!

  9. I have Dearly, Departed, but I haven't read it yet :( I love audio books too, they make my commute to and from work a breeze! The first two covers look creepy!

    Thanks for stopping by, I'm a new follower :)

    1. Hi Liza! Thanks for stopping by. I'm getting into audiobooks a little more lately. I listen to them while I write blog posts. :)

  10. Envy & Fury are both on my TBR list too!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

    1. I'm in love with the new covers for this series. I like them much better than the first Fury cover. Enjoy!

  11. I wasn't the hugest fan of Fury, but it was enjoyable enough that I'll definitely check out Envy (I got an ARC as well).

    Enjoy your books! =)

    1. I don't know if I would have picked these up except that I received the ARC for Envy. I was just going to borrow Fury from the library until I stumbled upon it for a good deal at Costco. I hope to read these soon.

  12. I haven't heard of a few of these so I am definitely going to have to look them up! Awesome book haul this week =) Happy reading!

    1. Ya a few were unknowns to me, but they sound really interesting... even the review copies from publishers look creepy.


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