Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Review: Owlet by Emma Michaels

Owlet Summary
Published: October 13, 2012
Publisher: Tribute Books
Pages: 170

Somewhere between falling and flying… there is a girl.

Iris has a secret. She lost her memory eight years ago and never told a living soul. After an asthma attack one night she finds out that her dreams of a strange house on a snowy island may be a memory resurfacing but the more she learns about the past the more she realizes the life she has been living is a lie. As the façade her father has built starts to crumble around her she will have to decide which means more to her; the truth or her life.

Release Date: October 13, 2012 (links below go live Oct 13, the PDF link is available for pre-order now)

Kindle | Nook | iBookstore | Smashwords | PDF

First the cover of this book is absolutely stunning and is a perfect match for this book. I adored this story from the very beginning with Iris' sense of imagination and wonder: "She was Wendy - with no need for a Peter Pan." (pg. 6-7 Owlet) Iris has severe asthma and has been home schooled her whole life (or so she thinks). There is a lot in Iris' life that is not as it seems. It's almost like she has amnesia for the first portion of her life and has been led to believe a completely different timeline than what has actually happened to her and her family. 

Sadly, as she has grown older and her vivid dreams seem to become more real, the truth is about the be revealed whether she is ready for it or not. This story is filled with high emotion, fantastical events, love, faith and hope. There is a boy, Falcon, who she has an instant attraction to and feels like she has known her whole life, yet she cannot figure out why she is so comfortable with him (their story is beautiful). She learns about her past, her ancestors and why she feels different from everyone else. It's a lot to take in for such a short amount of time and this is just the beginning of the adventures and trials she will face.

The entire idea of the Society of Feathers is absolutely amazing - this society is not quite based on shapeshifters and not completely about soulmates, but a variation of both. So much history and myth is explained in this quick read that you fall in love with the Eyrie and the Society of Feathers right away. I want to say more, but am afraid to give away too much. I would say it's better to discover this part by reading for yourself - it truly is magical. 

I am eagerly awaiting book two - Eyrie and cannot wait to see what happens to Iris, Falcon and their family and friends. I believe this is only the beginning of this adventure and want to learn more of the legends surrounding this hidden race.


Emma Michaels' Bio:
Emma Michaels is the author of the ‘A Sense of Truth’ and ‘Society of Feathers’ series. Her goal with her latest YA novel 'Owlet' is to give others what she did not have growing up; a strong female protagonist with asthma.  While her previous aspiration was to be a lady knight she realized that not being able to run more than a few feet might become a hindrance so turned to writing instead. Her day jobs include being a cover artist, marketing consultant and silk screen designer.

As the founder of The Writers Voice blog she loves to connect authors and readers. As a book blogger turned author, she was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, until she moved at eighteen to Washington State. Suddenly, the world was a new place filled with tall green trees that reached further for the sky with every moment, making her want to do the same. Ever since, she has tried to make her life something new and different from what it was before, pursuing her future career, setting high goals and reaching for them. With the support of her fiancé, Chihuahua, and her amazing blog followers and fellow bloggers, she wants to prove to the world that anything is possible and help inspire fellow literary lovers to reach for their dreams.

Book: Twitter hashtag #Owlet | Goodreads
Tribute Books: Website | Facebook | Twitter


  1. Chrystal, thanks for the review. I'm with you - Falcon and Iris' love story is so beautiful. Emma really does transport you in to a magical world. So glad you enjoyed it and can't wait for Books 2 and 3 :)

    1. Thank you for asking me to be on the tour. :) I loved Owlet so much and am super excited to finish the series!

  2. OMG! Thank you Chrystal! This review means so much to you because what you wrote is how I felt while writing about the Stryx, that sense of amazement was what fueled my words and I feel so happy to know that it was able to give you that same feeling. Thank you so much, this review just made my day, heck, my week! It is amazing readers like you who keep me writing. <3

    1. Awww thanks for stopping by Emma. I loved Owlet so much and I'll be spreading the word to all who will listen. They need to pick this up and read it now. I cannot wait for the rest of the series. :)

  3. NIce! This sounds really good and unique. I love the sounds of this Society of Feathers! I also adore this cover. Great review, chick I'll keep an eye out for this one!

    1. Giselle! It is such an amazing story. Hope you like it if you get the chance to read it.


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