Saturday, August 4, 2012

Stacking The Shelves (12)

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews!

Here is what I received this week! What did you get?

 Thank you Simon & Schuster Canada!

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

The new Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate percentage of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance between her and the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University's Walking One-Night Stand.

Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby needs—and wants—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.
-Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository


  1. I've been avoiding this one because it just does not seem like something I'd enjoy, but i hope you enjoy it!

    My Haul :)

    Also check out my blogoversary giveaway Here

    1. Simon and Schuster send me unsolicited books sometimes. I think they base it on my past requests with them. So this was a surprise this week.

    2. I just remembered this was sent to me because S&S asked me to review it. I just thought it was a surprise because it took a while to get here. LOL

  2. I would like to get this, but I have way too many books on the review pile at the moment to get another one. Come visit me as well.


  3. I just got this one off of NetGalley! It'll be interesting for sure...

    My Stacking the Shelves

  4. I've seen this one around a lot & it sounds pretty good! Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. This has been on my TBR pile for a while now, I must get around to reading it soon! Enjoy!

    Check out my StS post

  6. I've heard good things about this book so I hope you enjoy it! :)

  7. I considered picking this one up from Netgalley too but figured I had WAY too many books I already had to read ;) LOL.. looking forward to hearing what you think of it though!

    Thanks for stopping by Chrystal!

    Michele | Stacking the Shelves | Giveaway

    1. This book sounds really good!!! I've seen it around a lot these few days! I am looking forward to your review! I love the sound of it :-) Thanks for sharing. And it's great to meet another Canadian blogger!!!

      Following! Feel free to visit my blog.

    2. This one just showed up in the mail Friday, so we will see if I like it once I get to it. ;)

  8. Awesome! I got this too! From what I've seen, I think it's either a love it or hate it kind of book. I hope we both love it!

    My Stacking the Shelves

  9. ooh, that summary sounds good, I think I need to give this one a try! Happy reading! :)

    My Haul

  10. I've heard about this, hope you enjoy.

  11. I decided to skip Beautiful Disaster. It just was not something I wanted to read. Here is my post:

    Stacking the Shelves

  12. I am so tempted to give this one a shot! Still thinking about it! Hope you enjoy!

    My Added to the Bookshelf Post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  13. I read this book when it was self-published. Unfortunately, I had too many issues with it, so I didn't enjoy it at all. :)
    I hope you enjoy it too! :)

    Happy reading!

    My haul


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