Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see what your favourite authors and bloggers would pick. Click here if you would like to participate.
This week Clark Hays and Kathleen McFall, co-authors of the Cowboy and Vampire Series, have stopped by to let us know what they would want with them if stuck on a deserted island. And since there are two authors this week, they each have listed five items and five books, so we get double the fun! If you haven't checked out this series yet, you totally should. I recently reviewed the second book, Blood & Whiskey here AND they still have a giveaway going via Bewitching Book Tours that you can enter here!
What five books and items would you
want with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?
Given our current hectic schedules,
spending the next several decades on a deserted island sounds pretty
freaking awesome. Before we even came up with our lists, we spent a
few days fantasizing about how nice it would be. That made us
First, a few caveats. We are assuming
no internet access so we can’t just use our iPad to email a rescue
boat (but, as noted above, we’d be unlikely to want that anyway).
We’re also assuming said island is tropical, lovely and has a
bountiful supply of fresh water and food, coconuts, perhaps. And that
we arrive together so that we already have the most important thing —
a renewable source of love and lust — balanced out with just enough
fighting so that it all remains intellectually stimulating and there
are opportunities for make-up sex (a desert island could get
boring after a few decades).
After finding some shade (you’ll note that we didn’t ask for sunscreen), here are our lists:
- Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky
- A comprehensive French to English dictionary — we’re going to be there awhile, might as well get the most out of it and finally, after all these years, become fluent in French
- The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy
- One Thousand and One Nights
- An anthology of the best short stories of the 20th century
- Porius by John Cowper Powys (I need a desert island to get through this monster, currently gathering dust by the bed)
- The collected works of Rilke (as long as it includes the Stephen Mitchell translation of Duino Elegies)
- Being And Nothingness: An Essay in Phenomenological Ontology by Sartre (I’ve been toting a copy around with me for 20 years and still haven’t made it past page three, despite repeated attempts)
- An iPad with the complete DC, Marvel, and Dark Horse comic catalogs
- The collected works of Shakespeare (fun to read and we could stage productions to while away the hours, especially The Tempest)
Five items
- A case of Medoyeff Vodka – yes, I know it would last only a few months, but whatever
- 50 fat blank notebooks
- A loaded gun
- A shovel
- A Leatherman multi tool
- A solar charger for my iPad so I can read the aforementioned comic book collections
- A tooth brush and lots of toothpaste
- A very large bottle of good whiskey
- Some notebooks and one hundred of my favorite purple pens
- I’d probably better bring a bullet proof vest, too, given Kathleen’s list (a gun and a shovel, really?)
About the authors
Clark Hays
and Kathleen McFall are the coauthors of Blood and Whiskey
(Pumpjack Press, May 2012), the second book in the Cowboy and
Vampire Thriller Series. It’s a wickedly funny tale of love,
loyalty and sacrifice in the modern west.
Stuff Clark likes: sagebrush, the
American West, clouds, whiskey and graphic novels.
Stuff he hates: running quarterbacks, drivers who don’t use turn signals and the sound of flip-flops.
Stuff he hates: running quarterbacks, drivers who don’t use turn signals and the sound of flip-flops.
Stuff Kathleen likes: Russian literature, anarchy, martinis, lava and the ocean.
Stuff she hates: intermissions, Halloween corn mazes and high-speed vehicular sandwiches. And the Muppets.
Find out more about The Cowboy and the Vampire Thriller Series:
Thanks for letting us play!